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Disable return error code in console

eleven4y opened this issue · comments

How I can disable writes error code?
Is there a ready-made solution?

Hi @eleven4y !

There is currently no option to disable the return code for now. It could easily be done by removing $return_code from:

# line 31
local typewritten_prompt="$virtualenv$return_code$prompt_color$prompt_symbol %F{default}"

If you want, go ahead and fork it for a quick fix.

A global option like TYPEWRITTEN_DISABLE_RETURN_CODE=true could be added to the code for this, though.
Care to explain what the use case for this is? I might add it, as it doesn't add bulk to the prompt or anything.


It could be a useful option, since the color of the symbol might be enough for some people.

@Zalaxx @eleven4y Fair enough! Would one of you want to go ahead and do it?

I'm thinking of an option called TYPEWRITTEN_DISABLE_RETURN_CODE to disable it.

Something along the lines of:

local return_code=""
  return_code="%(?,,%F{red}%? )"

Similar to $virtualenv