reobin / typewritten

A minimal, lightweight, informative zsh prompt theme

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Visual bug when using completion

Hello-Helo opened this issue · comments

Describe the bug
When using tab completion on commands like cd when there is 2 options or more, there is a visual bug so that the command shows like cdcd. This happens with other commands as well, mkdir becomes mkmkdir. The command run as normal.
Since i don't a plugin manager for zsh, i could quickly comment lines of all the other features (like syntax highligh) and verify that this only happens with the prompt enable.

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Enable completion with autoload -Uz compinit && compinit
  2. Install Typewritten manualy as the guide says
  3. Use completion when there is 2 or more options
  4. See the visual bug

Expected behavior
No visual bug

Desktop (please complete the following information):

  • OS: Arch Linux
  • Terminal: Alacritty (it also happens on the tty so I don't think is related)
  • ZSH Version : 5.8

Edit: add tty information

Hi @Hello-Helo ! Thank you for opening this issue.

I'm unable to reproduce the problem on macOS. I'll work on reproducing using an environment closer to yours.

Hello again! It has been a while and this bug stopped happening. Maybe some conflict caused it, but now there is no way to know. Thank you for the attention!

Thank you for the update @Hello-Helo !