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Package.resolve isn't updated after update Package.swift

ra1028 opened this issue Β· comments

What Renovate type are you using?

Renovate for GitHub

Describe the bug

Renovate supports Swift Package Manager, but Package.resolved isn't updated after Package.swift is updated.
That's a lock file of Swift tool dependencies, so it should be updated if it exists on git, otherwise, always diff will be made on the local environment after only Package.swift is updated.

Relevant debug logs

There is no such thing as a log, as it's a specification failure, not a runtime error.

To Reproduce

This happens whenever there is an update to the Swift package listed in Package.swift.

Thanks, this feature is not yet supported. Please assist by providing:

  • Link(s) to where this is best documented
  • Any guides to how this can be run under Linux
  • A public repo that reproduces the problem/requirement

Hi, thanks for your response.
I've created a sample public repository about this issue.

Link(s) to where this is best documented

renovate swift document:
sample pr: ra1028/sample-renovate6924#1

Any guides to how this can be run under Linux

Just run swift package update after Package.swift is updated on the image that Swift lang is installed.

A public repo that reproduces the problem/requirement

Definitely update and not resolve?

Also I was hoping for Swift's own documentation rather than ours, plus any examples of running it in Ubuntu 18.04 under Docker, or something close.


As you can see, Package.resolved is not changed after Package.swift is updated.

Swift package manager documentation:

I think we need to call swift package resolve this will only update the resolved file, while swift package update updates the swift file too with latest available updates

I think it should be swift package resolve and not swift package update

docker file:

we need to update our buildpack and a new gitrepo for docker-swift

then renovate needs to extract tools version from comment to use correct swift version

// swift-tools-version:5.3

We can use git-tags as datasource with a regex versioning swift-5.2.5-RELEASE

I think we need use stabillityDays=1 to wait for build binaries.

which swift version we should build? Where to start? v5, v5.3, v4 ...

renovate won't be able to resolve under linux, because the test repo above explicit needs macos

which swift version we should build? Where to start? v5, v5.3, v4 ...

I propose v5.3, as this supports updating older resolved files and supports ubuntu 20.04 focal

Thank you for providing a reproduction! πŸŽ‰ πŸš€

The Renovate team will take a look at the reproduction repository. Once we confirm the provided repository reproduces the problem, the label will be changed to reproduction:confirmed.

I am waiting for this.
Are there any plans to proceed with the PR review?


swift installer needs an update

This can now continued, as the refactorings are done.

Is it possible to continue on that issue? It would be great. What was the issue with the closed PR?

@Fab1n sure, please go ahead

Is it possible to continue on that issue? It would be great. What was the issue with the closed PR?

the author didn't respond to our requested changes for a long time.

Seems this issue was left in limbo. It's over 3 years since it was reported.

hi πŸ‘‹ any updates that we will proceed this PR? we are also looking forward to it πŸ˜„

Earlier today my Lead iOS Engineer raised this as being a useful feature addition to our Renovate workflow.

Is there any pre-req items I should be aware of for this feature? I'd be happy to try and contribute it, although my interactions with Swift Package Manager are exactly undefined atm πŸ˜…

Swift seems supported already in Containerbase:

Hopefully this reproduction repo is still valid:

Hopefully running swift resolve after a package file update is enough for a start.

A simple/similar one I added recently is Bun:

The main difference here is that you probably don't want to treat it as a Buffer/binary file although even that might work.

I think it should be swift package resolve and not swift package update

ok so there seams to be confusion about this. It should be swift package update from the start. You should not suggest to update the Package.swift. Package.swift should be edited manually. The Package.swift file defines the minimum version a library is compatible with, the Package.resolved defines the version that is used during build.

Note: As a reference you could read package resolved docs

I will try to clarify why updating Package.swift for a dependency is not the way to go. The goal of the bot should be to detect wether there are updates available for the package. If versioning is done correctly it could suggest updates that can be done automatically. This is what swift package update does. It checks the package.swift file for how dependencies are defined and updates the once that are needed.

So the update process is handled by swift package update.

swift package resolve will resolve to the latest version that it can use based on what is defined in the package.swift file. But it will not go fetch the dependencies to be ready for build.

So in short if you would want to make the bot check wether ar not there are updates it should

  1. mv the package.resolved (if present) to a temp copy
  2. do swift package resolve
  3. diff the 2 resolved files
  4. come up with a suggestion of update

The updated version should then be committed to the resolved file.

When to update the Package.swift then?

When the library needs features that are in the next version of the dependency, effectively making it incompatible with packages that cannot yet update to that version number.

Swift runs just fine in linux and you have installation options at,Linux,-Docker

As for github actions the latest ubuntu has swift build in so you do not need to do anything.

is swift still unsupported by renovatebot yet?