rennu / dpg

OpenMVG + OpenMVS Pipeline

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Docker running without result

Uncle-Justice opened this issue · comments

when running "docker run -v /tmp/example:/datasets --rm -it spedenaave/dpg"
it returns "Missing some of mandatory parameters: --type, --input and --output". What's wrong with this?


Can you list all the commands you tried to run? Running docker run -v /tmp/example:/datasets --rm -it spedenaave/dpg will only create you a new container in which you can then run the pipeline.

Environment : ubuntu16.04
I just pull the image from the hub and run
git clone /tmp/example
docker run -v /tmp/example:/datasets --rm -it spedenaave/dpg
It outputs
Missing some of mandatory parameters: --type, --input and --output
Use --help to see usage instructions
Usingdocker ps -a, it shows no new container created.

Is it the OS version that caused the output?


I believe you have somehow ended up with an ancient version of the docker image. That image seems to have 1) entrypoint which the current one does not and 2) really old version of the pipeline script (and tools).

I recommend you remove the image (docker rmi spedenaave/dpg and then docker image ls to be sure it's gone) from your workstation and try downloading it again (docker pull spedenaave/dpg:latest).

If you are still having troubles, you could clone this repo and build the image by yourself.

I ran the commands from the example on a clean ubuntu 16.04 server. Here's how it shoud look like:


Yes, I pulled the image again and it worked. I also got the similar meshlab result.
Thank you so much:)


Great to hear!