renard314 / textfairy

Android OCR App

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Image preprocessing library

zamazan4ik opened this issue · comments

I am fan of your program, thank you.

I am working on image preprocessing before OCR. I see that you have a lot of stuff already implemented in textfairy. But i think that if will be available library with preprocessing, you will can concentrate work on other stuffs.

Are you interested in this library? I am implementing now it, based on opencv and my algorithms.

This sounds like a neat idea and if you open source your project I will certainly check it out. I have a lot of test documents in this repo that can used to compare performance.
One thing to look out for however is apk size.


Maybe OpenNoteScanner can be of help too in your library. It uses OpenCV and is opensource as well.

@zamazan4ik your link is dead. If you are still interested I can setup my test routine (200+ images) to run with your preprocessing library. That way I can compare against the current baseline.

I check the library and while it has useful methods it is not a replacement for the image processing pipeline that I have right now. What I need is a function that takes an image and converts it into a clean binary taking into account varying lightning, different text sizes etc.