remogatto / SDZPinochle

A single deck Pinochle server

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

A single deck pinochle engine

It works by listening for Human connections and then presenting a menu to the human to determine what game mode they want to play.

-- AI --
The AI makes a *decent* attempt at bidding but I have yet to implement a better playing algorithm.  For now, the AI picks the first valid move it finds.

-- Protocol Explanation --
The network protocol is TCP/JSON where the following responses are used for the Type field:
* Message - A way to send a string of output to the client
	* Message = A string representation of what should can be shown to the client
* Hello - A way to say Hello to the client
	* Message - only used to respond to the server of what action should take (join, create, or quit)
* Game - The response to the server from a Hello message
	* Option - An integer that represents the playing mode of the human
* Deal - contains the Hand and the playerid that the client should play as responding to requests when prompted by it's playerid'
	* Playerid - An integer (0 through 3) which represents the playerid value of your player
	* Hand - a sorted Array of Cards (e.g, AS, KD, 9H, TC)
* Bid - The action that states who bid what
	* Bid - The integer amount of the bid
	* Playerid - States who is making this bid
* Trump - The action that states what trump is
	* Trump - the suit of trump (i.e, H, S, D, C)
	* Playerid - the one who named trump (and subsequently won the bid)
* Meld - Shows the hand and amount of meld for each player
	* Hand - (see Deal) but only consists of those cards that are counting toward points
	* Playerid - The player whom the meld belongs to
	* Amount  - The amount of the meld
* Play - A request from the server, or a response from the client of the card played
	* Playerid - the one who made this play (or is being requested to play)
	* PlayedCard - the card that is being played by this action (used for sharing other plays and for issuing a play by the client)
	* Lead - The suit (i.e., S, D, C, H) of the lead card
	* Trump - The suit (i.e., S, D, C, H) that is trump
	* WinningCard - The current card that is winning the hand (e.g., AD, AS, 9H, 10C)	
* Score - Comes at the end of the hand to announce the score
	* Win - boolean - Included if GameOver is true and your client has won the game
	* Score - integer array - scores, playerid % 2 is the client's team
	* GameOver - boolean - Set to true if the game is over

Your Playerid is assigned during the Deal type.  For all other types, if the playerid received matches your playerid assigned during Deal, the server is awaiting a response from you of the same action.
Since your playerid was assigned through the Deal message as 0, the client needs to respond when prompted. Example:
--> {"Playerid":0,"Type":"Bid", "Bid":0}
<-- {"Playerid":0,"Type":"Bid", "Bid":0}

-- Network protocol Example --
--> {"Message":"Do you want to join a game, create a new game, or quit? (join, create, quit)","Type":"Message"}
--> {"Type":"Hello"}
<-- {"Message":"create","Type":"Hello"}
--> {"Message":"Option 1 - Play against three AI players and start immediately","Type":"Message"}
--> {"Message":"Option 2 - Play with a human partner against two AI players","Type":"Message"}
--> {"Message":"Option 3 - Play with a human partner against one AI players and 1 Human","Type":"Message"}
--> {"Message":"Option 4 - Play with a human partner against two humans","Type":"Message"}
--> {"Message":"Option 5 - Play against a human with AI partners","Type":"Message"}
--> {"Message":"Option 6 - Go back","Type":"Message"}
--> {"Type":"Game"}
<-- {"Option":1,"Type":"Game"}
--> {"Hand":["AD","KD","KD","JD","9D","JC","TH","KH","TS","TS","JS","9S"],"Playerid":0,"Type":"Deal"}
--> {"Playerid":1,"Type":"Bid"}
--> {"Bid":25,"Playerid":2,"Type":"Bid"}
--> {"Playerid":3,"Type":"Bid"}
--> {"Playerid":0,"Type":"Bid"}
<-- {"Playerid":0,"Type":"Bid"}
--> {"Playerid":2,"Trump":"H","Type":"Trump"}
--> {"Hand":[],"Playerid":0,"Type":"Meld"}
--> {"Amount":1,"Hand":["9H"],"Playerid":1,"Type":"Meld"}
--> {"Amount":11,"Hand":["JD","JC","JH","9H","KS","QS","JS"],"Playerid":2,"Type":"Meld"}
--> {"Amount":4,"Hand":["KC","KC","QC","QC"],"Playerid":3,"Type":"Meld"}
--> {"PlayedCard":"AD","Playerid":2,"Type":"Play"}
--> {"PlayedCard":"TD","Playerid":3,"Type":"Play"}
--> {"Lead":"D","Playerid":0,"Trump":"H","Type":"Play","WinningCard":"AD"}
<-- {"PlayedCard":"KD","Playerid":0,"Type":"Play"}
--> {"PlayedCard":"QD","Playerid":1,"Type":"Play"}
--> {"Message":"Player 2 wins trick #1 with AD for 3 points","Type":"Message"}
<snip>................... Hand continues ...........</snip>
<-- {"PlayedCard":"KD","Playerid":0,"Type":"Play"}
--> {"PlayedCard":"TH","Playerid":1,"Type":"Play"}
--> {"PlayedCard":"KH","Playerid":2,"Type":"Play"}
--> {"PlayedCard":"JH","Playerid":3,"Type":"Play"}
--> {"Message":"Player 1 wins trick #6 with TH for 3 points","Type":"Message"}
--> {"PlayedCard":"TC","Playerid":1,"Type":"Play"}
--> {"PlayedCard":"JH","Playerid":2,"Type":"Play"}
--> {"PlayedCard":"KC","Playerid":3,"Type":"Play"}
--> {"Lead":"C","Playerid":0,"Trump":"H","Type":"Play","WinningCard":"JH"}
<-- {"PlayedCard":"JD","Playerid":0,"Type":"Play"}
*********** here the server enforces only legal plays - Above, the client didn't follow suit, so it prompts it again to play a card ********
--> {"Lead":"C","Playerid":0,"Trump":"H","Type":"Play","WinningCard":"JH"}
<-- {"PlayedCard":"TH","Playerid":0,"Type":"Play"}
--> {"Message":"Player 0 wins trick #7 with TH for 3 points","Type":"Message"}
<snip>................... Hand continues ...........</snip>--> {"PlayedCard":"9H","Playerid":1,"Type":"Play"}
--> {"PlayedCard":"JS","Playerid":2,"Type":"Play"}
--> {"PlayedCard":"9S","Playerid":3,"Type":"Play"}
--> {"Lead":"H","Playerid":0,"Trump":"H","Type":"Play","WinningCard":"9H"}
<-- {"PlayedCard":"TS","Playerid":0,"Type":"Play"}
--> {"Message":"Player 1 wins trick #12 with 9H for 2 points","Type":"Message"}
--> {"Message":"Scores are now Team0 = -25 to Team1 = 19, played 1 hands","Type":"Message"}
--> {"Score":[-25,19],"Type":"Score"}
*********** Next hand is being dealt ********************
--> {"Hand":["9D","AC","TC","KC","QC","QC","JC","KH","JH","9H","9H","JS"],"Playerid":0,"Type":"Deal"}
--> {"Playerid":2,"Type":"Bid"}
--> {"Bid":29,"Playerid":3,"Type":"Bid"}
--> {"Playerid":0,"Type":"Bid"}
<-- {"Playerid":0,"Type":"Bid"}
--> {"Playerid":1,"Type":"Bid"}
--> {"Playerid":3,"Trump":"C","Type":"Trump"}
--> {"Amount":15,"Hand":["AC","TC","KC","QC","JC"],"Playerid":0,"Type":"Meld"}
--> {"Amount":1,"Hand":["9C"],"Playerid":1,"Type":"Meld"}
--> {"Hand":[],"Playerid":2,"Type":"Meld"}
--> {"Amount":11,"Hand":["AD","AC","9C","AH","AS"],"Playerid":3,"Type":"Meld"}
--> {"PlayedCard":"AD","Playerid":3,"Type":"Play"}
--> {"Lead":"D","Playerid":0,"Trump":"C","Type":"Play","WinningCard":"AD"}
<-- {"PlayedCard":"9D","Playerid":0,"Type":"Play"}
--> {"PlayedCard":"QD","Playerid":1,"Type":"Play"}
--> {"PlayedCard":"AD","Playerid":2,"Type":"Play"}
--> {"Message":"Player 3 wins trick #1 with AD for 2 points","Type":"Message"}
<snip>................... Hand continues ...........</snip>
<-- {"PlayedCard":"QC","Playerid":0,"Type":"Play"}
--> {"PlayedCard":"9S","Playerid":1,"Type":"Play"}
--> {"PlayedCard":"9S","Playerid":2,"Type":"Play"}
--> {"PlayedCard":"QS","Playerid":3,"Type":"Play"}
--> {"Message":"Player 0 wins trick #12 with QC for 1 points","Type":"Message"}
--> {"Message":"Scores are now Team0 = 3 to Team1 = -10, played 2 hands","Type":"Message"}
--> {"Score":[3,-10],"Type":"Score"}
--> {"Hand":["TD","9D","AC","9C","9C","AH","KH","QH","9H","QS","9S","9S"],"Playerid":0,"Type":"Deal"}
--> {"Bid":22,"Playerid":3,"Type":"Bid"}
--> {"Playerid":0,"Type":"Bid"}
<-- {"Playerid":0,"Type":"Bid"}
--> {"Bid":45,"Playerid":1,"Type":"Bid"}
--> {"Playerid":2,"Type":"Bid"}
--> {"Playerid":1,"Trump":"C","Type":"Trump"}
--> {"Amount":4,"Hand":["9C","9C","KH","QH"],"Playerid":0,"Type":"Meld"}
--> {"Amount":25,"Hand":["AD","AC","TC","KC","QC","JC","AH","AS"],"Playerid":1,"Type":"Meld"}
--> {"Amount":6,"Hand":["JD","KS","QS"],"Playerid":2,"Type":"Meld"}
--> {"Amount":4,"Hand":["KD","KD","QD","QD"],"Playerid":3,"Type":"Meld"}
<snip>................... Hand continues ...........</snip>
--> {"PlayedCard":"9D","Playerid":3,"Type":"Play"}
--> {"Lead":"D","Playerid":0,"Trump":"C","Type":"Play","WinningCard":"9D"}
<-- {"PlayedCard":"KH","Playerid":0,"Type":"Play"}
--> {"PlayedCard":"JS","Playerid":1,"Type":"Play"}
--> {"PlayedCard":"QS","Playerid":2,"Type":"Play"}
--> {"Message":"Player 3 wins trick #12 with 9D for 2 points","Type":"Message"}
--> {"Message":"Scores are now Team0 = 24 to Team1 = -55, played 3 hands","Type":"Message"}
--> {"Message":"Team0 wins with a score of 24!","Type":"Message"}
--> {"GameOver":true,"Score":[24,-55],"Type":"Score","Win":true}
--> {"Message":"Do you want to join a game, create a new game, or quit? (join, create, quit)","Type":"Message"}
--> {"Type":"Hello"}
<-- {"Message":"quit","Type":"Hello"}
--> {"Message":"Ok, bye bye!","Type":"Message"}


A single deck Pinochle server


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