remmel / Depthkit.js

🎞 A plugin for using DepthKit's volumteric captures in Three.js

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A plugin for visualising DepthKit volumteric captures using Three.js in WebGL. The plugin requires Three.js and a DepthKit combined-per-pixel video export from Visualise. The plugin was developed for Tzina: A Symphony of Longing. The project's code is available here.

DepthKit.js screencapture


Install via NPM

npm i dephtkit and then import { DepthKit } from 'depthkit'
See npm package.

Install from CDN - es module (es6)

<!-- Import maps polyfill -->
<!-- Remove this when import maps will be widely supported -->
<script async src=""></script>
<script type="importmap">
        "imports": {
            "three": "",
            "three/": ""
<script type="module">
    import * as THREE from 'three'

    //TODO be checked once published on npm
    import { DepthKit } from ''
    // or
    // TODO replace remmel by juniorxsound in PR - not recommended when published on npm
    import { DepthKit } from ''

Creating a character

var character = new DepthKit("mesh", "meta.txt", "take.mp4");


Where the first argument takes a string for the rendering type (i.e "mesh", "wire" or "points"), the second and the third arguments are the path to the metadata file exported by Visualise and the top-bottom video.

Controlling a character

Calling new DepthKit() returns a three.js Object3D which has all the regular properties and methods (e.g character.position.set()). Inside the character there is a depthkit object that has the neccesery methods to control the playback and rendering of the character - Play the video

character.depthkit.pause() - Pause the video

character.depthkit.stop() - Stop and rewind to begining

character.depthkit.setLoop(isLooping) - Set loop to true or false

character.depthkit.setVolume(volume) - Change the volume of the audio

character.depthkit.setPointSize(size) - Only when rendering points

character.depthkit.setOpacity(opacity) - Change opacity

character.depthkit.setLineWidth(width) - Change line width when rendering wireframe


  • Dispose and clean the character instance


Simple DepthKit example

Mouse hover example

Raycasting webVR example

How to contribute:

  1. Fork/Clone/Download
  2. Install all dependencies using npm install
  3. Start http server : npm run start
  4. Open http://localhost:8080/examples/simple.html


Originally written by @mrdoob and @obviousjim ported and modified by @juniorxsound and @avnerus. Special thank you to Shirin Anlen and all the Tzina crew, @ZEEEVE, @jhclaura


🎞 A plugin for using DepthKit's volumteric captures in Three.js

License:MIT License


Language:JavaScript 100.0%