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php83-syspaths, Error unpacking rpm package

PapsOu opened this issue · comments

Hello remi,

I try to install php 8.3 as software collection on my fedora 38 release (not yet upgraded, I know :-D ) but installing the syspaths is failing to unpack the rpm.

Are you aware of that problem ?

Here the dnf output :

$ sudo dnf install php83-syspaths

Dernière vérification de l’expiration des métadonnées effectuée il y a 0:08:37 le mar. 30 janv. 2024 10:49:12.
Dépendances résolues.
 Paquet                                     Architecture                       Version                                      Dépôt                            Taille
 php83-syspaths                             x86_64                             8.3-1.fc38.remi                              remi                             8.8 k

Résumé de la transaction
Installer  1 Paquet

Taille totale des téléchargements : 8.8 k
Taille des paquets installés : 302  
Voulez-vous continuer ? [o/N] : o
Téléchargement des paquets :
php83-syspaths-8.3-1.fc38.remi.x86_64.rpm                                                                                           78 kB/s | 8.8 kB     00:00    
Total                                                                                                                               50 kB/s | 8.8 kB     00:00     
Test de la transaction
La vérification de la transaction a réussi.
Lancement de la transaction de test
Transaction de test réussie.
Exécution de la transaction
  Préparation           :                                                                                                                                      1/1 
  Installation          : php83-syspaths-8.3-1.fc38.remi.x86_64                                                                                                1/1 
Error unpacking rpm package php83-syspaths-8.3-1.fc38.remi.x86_64
  Vérification de       : php83-syspaths-8.3-1.fc38.remi.x86_64                                                                                                1/1 


Erreur : La transaction a échoué

Installed php packages :

$ sudo dnf list --installed php\*

Paquets installés
php83.x86_64                           8.3-1.fc38.remi                @remi
php83-php.x86_64                       8.3.2-1.fc38.remi              @remi
php83-php-cli.x86_64                   8.3.2-1.fc38.remi              @remi
php83-php-common.x86_64                8.3.2-1.fc38.remi              @remi
php83-php-fpm.x86_64                   8.3.2-1.fc38.remi              @remi
php83-php-mbstring.x86_64              8.3.2-1.fc38.remi              @remi
php83-php-opcache.x86_64               8.3.2-1.fc38.remi              @remi
php83-php-pdo.x86_64                   8.3.2-1.fc38.remi              @remi
php83-php-sodium.x86_64                8.3.2-1.fc38.remi              @remi
php83-php-xml.x86_64                   8.3.2-1.fc38.remi              @remi
php83-runtime.x86_64                   8.3-1.fc38.remi                @remi

Here the debug output of RPM :

D: PRAGMA secure_delete = OFF: 0
D: PRAGMA case_sensitive_like = ON: 0
D: PRAGMA journal_mode = WAL: 0
D: PRAGMA wal_autocheckpoint = 10000: 0
D: CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS 'Name_key_idx' ON 'Name'(key ASC): 0
D: CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS 'Basenames_key_idx' ON 'Basenames'(key ASC): 0
D: CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS 'Basenames_hnum_idx' ON 'Basenames'(hnum ASC): 0
D: CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS 'Group_key_idx' ON 'Group'(key ASC): 0
D: CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS 'Requirename_key_idx' ON 'Requirename'(key ASC): 0
D: CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS 'Requirename_hnum_idx' ON 'Requirename'(hnum ASC): 0
D: CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS 'Providename_key_idx' ON 'Providename'(key ASC): 0
D: CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS 'Providename_hnum_idx' ON 'Providename'(hnum ASC): 0
D: CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS 'Conflictname_key_idx' ON 'Conflictname'(key ASC): 0
D: CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS 'Conflictname_hnum_idx' ON 'Conflictname'(hnum ASC): 0
D: CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS 'Obsoletename_key_idx' ON 'Obsoletename'(key ASC): 0
D: CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS 'Obsoletename_hnum_idx' ON 'Obsoletename'(hnum ASC): 0
D: CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS 'Triggername_key_idx' ON 'Triggername'(key ASC): 0
D: CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS 'Triggername_hnum_idx' ON 'Triggername'(hnum ASC): 0
D: CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS 'Dirnames_key_idx' ON 'Dirnames'(key ASC): 0
D: CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS 'Dirnames_hnum_idx' ON 'Dirnames'(hnum ASC): 0
D: CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS 'Sha1header_key_idx' ON 'Sha1header'(key ASC): 0
D: CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS 'Filetriggername_key_idx' ON 'Filetriggername'(key ASC): 0
D: CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS 'Filetriggername_hnum_idx' ON 'Filetriggername'(hnum ASC): 0
D: CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS 'Transfiletriggername_key_idx' ON 'Transfiletriggername'(key ASC): 0
D: CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS 'Transfiletriggername_hnum_idx' ON 'Transfiletriggername'(hnum ASC): 0
D: CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS 'Recommendname_key_idx' ON 'Recommendname'(key ASC): 0
D: CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS 'Recommendname_hnum_idx' ON 'Recommendname'(hnum ASC): 0
D: CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS 'Suggestname_key_idx' ON 'Suggestname'(key ASC): 0
D: CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS 'Suggestname_hnum_idx' ON 'Suggestname'(hnum ASC): 0
D: CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS 'Supplementname_key_idx' ON 'Supplementname'(key ASC): 0
D: CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS 'Supplementname_hnum_idx' ON 'Supplementname'(hnum ASC): 0
D: CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS 'Enhancename_key_idx' ON 'Enhancename'(key ASC): 0
D: CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS 'Enhancename_hnum_idx' ON 'Enhancename'(hnum ASC): 0
D: sanity checking 1 elements
D: Plugin: calling hook tsm_pre in selinux plugin
D: selabel_open: (/etc/selinux/targeted/contexts/files/file_contexts) 
D: Plugin: calling hook tsm_pre in systemd_inhibit plugin
D: System shutdown blocked (fd 55)
D: running pre-transaction scripts
D: computing 8 file fingerprints
D: computing file dispositions
D: 0x00000027     4096    116180885           -1 rotational:-1 /
D: ========== +++ php83-syspaths-8.3-1.fc38.remi x86_64-linux 0x0
D: php83-syspaths-8.3-1.fc38.remi.x86_64: Entête V4 RSA/SHA256 Signature, clé ID 6defd35e: OK
D: php83-syspaths-8.3-1.fc38.remi.x86_64: Entête SHA256 digest: OK
D: php83-syspaths-8.3-1.fc38.remi.x86_64: Entête SHA1 digest: OK
D:   install: php83-syspaths-8.3-1.fc38.remi.x86_64 has 8 files
D: Plugin: calling hook psm_pre in selinux plugin
D: create     120777  1 (   0,   0)    25 php.d;65b8ca3c
D: create     120777  1 (   0,   0)    27 php.ini;65b8ca3c
D: create     120777  1 (   0,   0)    33 phar;65b8ca3c
D: create     120777  1 (   0,   0)    32 php;65b8ca3c
D: create     120777  1 (   0,   0)    36 php-cgi;65b8ca3c
D: create     120777  1 (   0,   0)    49 phar.1.gz;65b8ca3c
D: create     120777  1 (   0,   0)    52 php-cgi.1.gz;65b8ca3c
D: create     120777  1 (   0,   0)    48 php.1.gz;65b8ca3c
D: Plugin: calling hook fsm_file_prepare in selinux plugin
D: lsetfilecon: (-1 /etc/php.d;65b8ca3c, system_u:object_r:etc_t:s0) 
D: Plugin: calling hook fsm_file_prepare in selinux plugin
D: lsetfilecon: (-1 /etc/php.ini;65b8ca3c, system_u:object_r:etc_t:s0) 
D: Plugin: calling hook fsm_file_prepare in selinux plugin
D: lsetfilecon: (-1 /usr/bin/phar;65b8ca3c, system_u:object_r:bin_t:s0) 
D: Plugin: calling hook fsm_file_prepare in selinux plugin
D: lsetfilecon: (-1 /usr/bin/php;65b8ca3c, system_u:object_r:bin_t:s0) 
D: Plugin: calling hook fsm_file_prepare in selinux plugin
D: lsetfilecon: (-1 /usr/bin/php-cgi;65b8ca3c, system_u:object_r:bin_t:s0) 
D: Plugin: calling hook fsm_file_prepare in selinux plugin
D: lsetfilecon: (-1 /usr/share/man/man1/phar.1.gz;65b8ca3c, system_u:object_r:man_t:s0) 
D: Plugin: calling hook fsm_file_prepare in selinux plugin
D: lsetfilecon: (-1 /usr/share/man/man1/php-cgi.1.gz;65b8ca3c, system_u:object_r:man_t:s0) 
D: Plugin: calling hook fsm_file_prepare in selinux plugin
D: lsetfilecon: (-1 /usr/share/man/man1/php.1.gz;65b8ca3c, system_u:object_r:man_t:s0)

If you need a single version, why are you using the SCL ?

See the wizard for instructions for "single/default version"

Will try to reproduce

If you need a single version, why are you using the SCL ?

I've removed the php 8.2 packages to check if there was any conflicts that caused that problem.

But I would be able to switch between 8.2 (for « older » projects) and 8.3 (for current projects).

Thanks for the wizard link, I'll try it now.

Well, dnf module switch-to php:remi-8.3 and dnf module install php:remi-8.3 works well :

$ php --version

PHP 8.3.2 (cli) (built: Jan 16 2024 13:46:41) (NTS gcc x86_64)
Copyright (c) The PHP Group
Zend Engine v4.3.2, Copyright (c) Zend Technologies

I keep that issue opened in case you need more informations about the previous failure.

Works for me

# dnf install php83-syspaths
Last metadata expiration check: 0:07:51 ago on Tue Jan 30 11:10:20 2024.
Dependencies resolved.
 Package                                 Architecture                    Version                                   Repository                     Size
 php83-syspaths                          x86_64                          8.3-1.fc38.remi                           remi                          8.8 k

Transaction Summary
Install  1 Package

Total download size: 8.8 k
Installed size: 302  
Is this ok [y/N]: y
Downloading Packages:
php83-syspaths-8.3-1.fc38.remi.x86_64.rpm                                                                              226 kB/s | 8.8 kB     00:00    
Total                                                                                                                  215 kB/s | 8.8 kB     00:00     
Running transaction check
Transaction check succeeded.
Running transaction test
Transaction test succeeded.
Running transaction
  Preparing        :                                                                                                                               1/1 
  Installing       : php83-syspaths-8.3-1.fc38.remi.x86_64                                                                                         1/1 
  Running scriptlet: php83-syspaths-8.3-1.fc38.remi.x86_64                                                                                         1/1 
  Verifying        : php83-syspaths-8.3-1.fc38.remi.x86_64                                                                                         1/1 



# php -v
PHP 8.3.2 (cli) (built: Jan 16 2024 13:46:41) (NTS gcc x86_64)
Copyright (c) The PHP Group
Zend Engine v4.3.2, Copyright (c) Zend Technologies
    with Zend OPcache v8.3.2, Copyright (c), by Zend Technologies

Try removing /etc/php.d directory if exists

But I would be able to switch between 8.2 (for « older » projects) and 8.3 (for current projects).

For such configuration (running multiple versions)
I recommend reading

Hum, now the package conflict with the single version installation.. but that's normal...

So thank you for your help, I'll try setting my env like your's after doing the fedora 39 upgrade.