remi / teamocil

There's no I in Teamocil. At least not where you think. Teamocil is a simple tool used to automatically create windows and panes in tmux with YAML files.

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How to specify focus: true for a pane?

richardkmichael opened this issue · comments

In 1.0, how do I focus a pane? (I've migrated from 0.4, and my layout file needs updating.)

This worked in 0.4:

  - name: "rails: s/c"
    root: "~/project"
      - cmd: "bundle exec rails s"
      - cmd: "bundle exec rails c"
        focus: true

I've also tried specifying the pane in the new abbreviated String form, but it results in Teamocil::Error::InvalidYAMLLayout:

(Aside, here it would be helpful if teamocil would output the offending YAML line.)

  - name: "rails: s/c"
    root: "~/project"
      - bundle exec rails s
      - bundle exec rails c
        focus: true

I've also tried specifying the pane as a Hash, it results in undefined method join for "bundle exec rails c":

  - name: "rails: s/c"
    root: "~/project"
      - bundle exec rails s
      - { commands: "bundle exec rails c", focus: true }

commands should be an array :)

If commands is an Array, doesn't it run all those commands in one single pane? I want two panes (one for each command), and focus in the second pane.

yes, but it expects the commands parameter to be an array.You can still use an array with a single command in it ; commands: ['pwd']

I see, thank you!

  - name: "rails: s/c"
    root: "~/code"
      - { commands: [ 'bundle exec rails s' ] }
      - { commands: [ 'bundle exec rails c' ], focus: true }

BTW, your commands: [ 'pwd' ] example .. I use that too, as a "no-op" to launch a pane with just a shell. Is there a better way to ask teamocil to start a new pane with just the shell waiting for input?

I'm also using that as a no-op command.

I’m closing this issue since the example has been added to the README. Thanks all!