remi-dupre / dofus-generate-stuff

Generate Dofus stuffs using a randomized local search.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Dofus Generate Stuff

Build Status

Generate Dofus stuffs based on input requirements using a randomized local search. Note that its mainly built with the intend to interface it in an external front end.


From releases

Automatic releases are published for linux 64 bits on GitHub, you can download an archive containing both the binary and required item databases.

tar -xf dofus-generate-stuff.tar.gz
cd dofus-generate-stuff
./stuffer examples/earth_iop.json

From sources

The only requirement is the Rust compilation toolchain, you can find informations on how to install it from the official website.

First, clone the repository.

git clone

You will need to download a database of the equipment by using the command bellow. Alternatively you may want to avoid waiting a few hours until this is done and extract these files from an existing release (cf. previous section) and put them in a directory called data.

./  # download informations about equipments

Once you downloaded data files, you can compile and run with a single cargo command:

cargo run --release -- examples/earth_iop.json


You can launch the program and specify a target configuration:

./stuffer examples/target_file.json # if you installed via releases
cargo run --release -- examples/target_file.json # if you installed from sources

Input file

All specifications about the desired stuff are put in the JSON file specified as input. Here is the list of supported fields:

key description default
level level of the character (affects carac points and item pool) 200
banned_types list of item kinds to ban []
target list of approximate target values desired in the output []


The field target is formatted as a list of pairs [target_kind, target_value]. For example, someone who wants to build an annoying tanky build for his feca may target the following kind of statistics:

    "level": 200,
    "target": [
        ["Resiliance", 10000],
        [{"Carac": "Lock"}, 150],
        [{"Carac": "AP"}, 11],
        [{"Carac": "MP"}, 6],
        [{"PowStats": "Air"}, 800],
        [{"Carac": "MP Resistance"}, 70],
        [{"Carac": "AP Resistance"}, 70],
        [{"Carac": "AP Reduction"}, 100]

Which will output this build:

The values defined in the input don't need to be accurate, but only to give an order of magnitude of the value expected in the output. If the requirements are too strong, the result may be less ambitious, if they are not strong enough, the result may be better than specified.

The target kind can be:

  • "Resiliance": the "effective" health points of the character by taking percent resistance into account: resiliance = hp / (1 - mean_res).
  • "PerResVariance": variance of percent resistances, this is useful to target a low value in order to get balanced resistances in the output.
  • {"Carac": carac_kind}: target a standard characteristic. These characteristics are listed in the corresponding type but you will need to spell them in natural language as they appear in Dofus wiki (eg: "Air Damage" instead of Damage(Air)).
  • {"PowStats": element}: power + raw statistics for an element ("Air", "Fire", ...)
  • {"MeanExtraDamage": element}: damage + average critical damages for an element.
  • {"MeanDamage": spell_effect}: average damages of a spell, see corresponding section about how to format spell effects.

Spell Effects

For example, Ambush can be formatted as follows:

    "critical": 5,
    "ranged": true,
    "effect": [
        {"Hit": {"element": "Air", "bounds": [10, 12]}},
        {"Hit": {"element": "Earth", "bounds": [10, 12]}},
        {"Hit": {"element": "Fire", "bounds": [10, 12]}},
        {"Hit": {"element": "Water", "bounds": [10, 12]}}
    "critical_effect": [
        {"Hit": {"element": "Air", "bounds": [12, 14]}},
        {"Hit": {"element": "Earth", "bounds": [12, 14]}},
        {"Hit": {"element": "Fire", "bounds": [12, 14]}},
        {"Hit": {"element": "Water", "bounds": [12, 14]}}

How it works

Here is a brief explanation of the underlying algorithms, which are as you will see quite generalists and simple.

Simulated annealing

The whole "stuff generation" process is handled by a generalist optimisation method called simulated annealing.

Let's explain it with the actual generic implementation of this project:

pub fn rls<T, R, E, W>(init: T, steps: u32, rng: &mut R, eval: E, walk: W) -> T
    T: Clone + Sized,
    R: rand::Rng,
    E: Fn(&T) -> f64,
    W: Fn(T, &mut R) -> T,
    // `lambda` could be any number between 0 and 1.
    // I choose lambda such that lambda ** (0.75 * steps) == 1e-3.
    let lambda = (1e-3f64.ln() / (0.75 * f64::from(steps))).exp();
    let init_eval = eval(&init);

    let (ret, _eval) = (1..=steps)
        .map(|step| {
            lambda.powi(step.try_into().expect("`steps` must fit in a i32"))
        .fold((init, init_eval), |(curr, curr_eval), threshold| {
            let new = walk(curr.clone(), rng);
            let new_eval = eval(&new);

            if new_eval > (1. - threshold) * curr_eval {
                (new, new_eval)
            } else {
                (curr, curr_eval)


First, let's have a look to the type of this function:

  • It outputs a type T, in our case we want it to represent a stuff.
  • As input it takes:
    • init: T: an initial stuff
    • eval, a function that takes a stuff as input and returns a float. eval will be our way to evaluate the interest we have in a given stuff.
    • walk, a function that takes a stuff as input and returns a new stuff. Also, this function takes some random generator as input so there will be randomisation going on there.

With the walk and eval functions, we have a way to walk randomly over values of T (thus a sequence of stuffs), and keep the best of them. The simulated annealing method is actually not much more complicated, we just cancel a walk if it decrease the evaluation of the stuff by more than a factor decreasing to 0 (lambda ** step in this case).


The walk function need to be local, calling it only once may not change the value of eval too much. That way, we can achieve finding a local maximum for eval.

Currently the walk function acts as follows:

  1. Flip a coin.
  2. If it hits "tail", equip a random piece of equipement, and replace the already equiped one if needed. If it hits "head", invest in a characteristic (intelligence, vitality...).


To evaluate if a characteristic is fine, I tried to find a function that would be always increasing, and with a kind of continuous cut-off point at the required value. To achieve this, I'm currently using sigmoids:

Then, the eval function can be computed by the product of all these sigmoids. The result for the two previous axis would look like this:


Generate Dofus stuffs using a randomized local search.

License:GNU General Public License v3.0


Language:Rust 98.6%Language:Shell 1.4%