remarkjs / remark-toc

plugin to generate a table of contents (TOC)

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Leading content replaced by TOC if I don't have a heading before it

dereckmezquita opened this issue · comments

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Steps to reproduce

If I have my markdown with a TOC insertion point and content directly below it without a header then any content until the next header is removed and replaced with the TOC:

title: "Hierarchy in art"
published: true

## Table of contents

Here is some content that will get removed.

## test

Some more content.

However, if I do this then my content doesn't get removed:

title: "Hierarchy in art"
published: true

## Table of contents

## some header any header here even an empty one protects content

Here is some content that will get removed.

## test

Some more content.

Is there a way I can avoid losing that content there? I have my h1 generated from the yaml in my markdown and only want to insert the TOC for any lower level headers h2 etc.

I don't necessarily need my leading content to have a header as this is my de facto introduction etc.

You can consult my source code here; note this is a work in progress:

Expected behavior

If I place a TOC header and no following headers then the content should not be removed instead a TOC should be inserted.

Actual behavior

If there is not header after a TOC insertion point and there is content directly after, then any content before the next header gets removed.


Node v16

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npm 8



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Duplicate of #18

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— bb

I posted this a while ago because I was not happy with remarkToc; I was not happy with the rigidity - unfortunately, we can't have more options.

I created my own remark plugin using the underlying dependency mdast-util-toc; sharing for others to use:

import { toc, Options as TocOptions } from 'mdast-util-toc';
import { Root } from 'mdast';
import { Node } from 'mdast-util-toc/lib'
import { Plugin } from 'unified';

interface RemarkTocCollapseOptions extends TocOptions {
    heading?: string;

 * Plugin to generate a Table of Contents (TOC); does not remove leading paragraphs without headers.
const remarkToc: Plugin<[(RemarkTocOptions | undefined)?], Root> = (options = {}) => {
    return (node: Node) => {
        const result = toc(
            node as Root,
            Object.assign({}, options, {
                heading: options.heading || 'toc|table[ -]of[ -]contents?',
                tight: true,
                maxDepth: 10

        if (
            result.endIndex === null ||
            result.index === null ||
            result.index === -1 ||
        ) {

        // I don't want remarkToc to remove leading paragraphs with no headers
        if ('children' in node) {
            node.children = [
                ...node.children.slice(0, result.index),

export default remarkToc;

That algorithm unfortunately doesn’t support repeated calls: it would keep on adding tables of contents repeatedly.