remarkjs / remark-gfm

remark plugin to support GFM (autolink literals, footnotes, strikethrough, tables, tasklists)

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Links with "https://" in link text not properly parsed

starpit opened this issue · comments

Subject of the issue

When using the remark-gfm plugin, certain links are misparsed. Without the plugin, links are always parse properly. Plugging the breaking input into's Preview results in the expected correct parsing behavior. See below for an example.

Your environment

  • OS: any
  • Packages: react-markdown@5.0.3, remark-gfm@1.0.0
  • Env: Electron 10

Steps to reproduce

With the following input

import gfm from 'remark-gfm'
import ReactMarkdown from 'react-markdown'
<ReactMarkdown plugins={[gfm]} source="[]("/>

the link is parsed such that the link callback has an odd href attribute of](

I checked, and that source is parsed as expected by If instead I use the following source, the link is now parsed properly by react-markdown:


And if i remove the gfm plugin, then both source are parsed properly.

Expected behavior

remark-gfm should not affect link parsing

Actual behavior

Link parsing seems to break when using remark-gfm.


did you rm -r node_modules/ && npm install again?


I added several tests and can’t reproduce it.

The problem here is that our package-lock.json was specifying mdast-util-gfm@0.1.1. The bug seems to have been fixed in 0.1.2 of that module. Thus, even though there was no later version of the top-level modules (i.e. both react-markdown and remark-gfm versions haven't changed), our application was unable to pick up the bug fix, without a complete re-generation of our package-lock.json. This is dangerous, and so we avoid it as much as possible.

It might be nice to consider specifying a minimum version of mdast-util-gfm on your side, given that this bug manifests at the remark-gfm level with the dependence you currently specify:

    "mdast-util-gfm": "^0.1.0"

(in my opinion, this bug isn't fixed until you update your package.json?)



This is what the caret stands for: accept bug fixes. Before we had package locks, we had semver.

our application was unable to pick up the bug fix, without a complete re-generation of our package-lock.json. This is dangerous, and so we avoid it as much as possible.

🤷‍♂️ this goes both ways, yes occasionally upgrading the lockfile may cause a regression, the majority of the time it's bug fixes.
Which is why dependabot, renovate, and others exist to structure, manage, and ensure stability in the process.

in my opinion, this bug isn't fixed until you update your package.json

As @wooorm mentions, that is what a version range does, it allows smooth upgrades.
If you want to do a more selective upgrade offers a path for upgrading one transitive dependency.
Though in general I'd recommend upgrading all transitive dependencies.