relution-io / js-meetup-relution-collection

Build your own WADL for existing APIs

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Relution SDK Infos


1 Create Project:

> mkdir jsmeetup
> cd jsmeetup
> relution
> project
> create

2 Add new Swapi Connection

> relution
? Please Choose Your Option:  connection
? Please Choose Your connection Command:  new connection
? Please enter name or an sep path('ews/ews-exchange') SwapiApi
? Please enter a description: my star wars api 
? Select a Server default localhost
? Please choose a Connector:  HTTP(S)
? Please choose a Protocol:  REST
? Please enter Descriptor URL (URL to download WADL description from.) swapi.wadl
? Please enter Authentication (Authentication to use for HTTP access, leave unset for automatic choice, or choose one explicitly) Disable
? Please enter HTTP Response Limit (maximum length of HTTP response in bytes. The unset default is 33554432 bytes. Specifying a limit of 0 will result in no limit, which may cause the server to malfunction in the event of excessively large response dat
a!) 33554432

ok check out your connections folder there are three files generated

  • SwapiApi.gen.ts
  • SwapiApi.ts
  • SwapiApi.hjson

Ok now we are running into a Problem because Swapi api doesnt have a wadl file .... so we have to change something manualy:

open the SwapiApi.hjson and remove in properties the descriptor_url and add at the top

metadata: swapi.wadl.

and to the properties we have to add :

http.protocol.cookie-policy: compatibility
http.useragent: was_du_willst

Now open your swapi.wadl and add the following:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<wadl:application xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:wadl="" xsi:schemaLocation=" wadl.xsd">
    <xs:schema attributeFormDefault="unqualified" elementFormDefault="qualified" xmlns:xs="">

  <wadl:resources base="">
    <wadl:resource path="people/{id}">
      <wadl:param name="id" type="xs:number" required="true" style="template" />
      <wadl:method name="GET">
        <wadl:request />
        <wadl:response status="">
          <wadl:representation mediaType="application/json" element="people" />

Ok cool now deploy it. If there is something wrong read again.

Never Touch Files .gen. in filename it will be always auto generated.!!!

  1. add Connection Calls

Ok after deploy we can add some calls:

? Please Choose Your connection Command:  assign calls
? Please choose a Name: swapi
? Select a Server default localhost
? We found 1 call you can filter by Name  or press enter ? 
? Please choose youre calls: /people/{i
? Please enter a name for /people/{id}#GET getPeople
swapi are updated!

Ok and now deploy again after then we can add the metamodel to our Connection.

? Please Choose Your Option:  connection
? Please Choose Your connection Command:  add Metamodelcontainer
? Please choose a Name: swapi
? Select a Server default localhost
swapi are updated!

Ok Let us check our Swapi.gen.ts:

* @file ./swapi.gen.ts
* Created by Relution CLI on 16.08.2016
* Copyright (c)
* 2016
* All rights reserved.
import * as Q from 'q';
// Relution APIs
const connector = require('relution/connector.js');
* @interface getPeople_output
export interface getPeople_output {
  people?: string;

* @interface getPeople_input
export interface getPeople_input {
  id: string;
  rawBody?: any;

export class SwapiBaseConnection {
  constructor(public name = 'swapi') { }

  configureSession(properties) {
    return connector.configureSession(, properties);

* swapi['getPeople']
* /people/{id}#GET
* @params input 'Object' getPeople_input
* @return Promise getPeople_output
  public getPeople(input: getPeople_input): Q.Promise<getPeople_output> {
    return connector.runCall(,

You see we have a input and a output_model Interface and the getPeople action. For testing we have to add a new Route on our Server. swapi-route.ts:

import {SwapiApiConnection} from '../connections/SwapiApi';

export function init(app) {
  const connection = new SwapiApiConnection();
    * register the device on the push Service
    * @param req containing body JSON to pass as input.
    * @param res result of call is provided as JSON body data.
    * @param next function to invoke error handling.
    function serviceCall(req, res, next) {
      return connection.getPeople({
        (result) => {
          return res.json(result);
        , next).done();

Deploy again ... open your Postman and try it out: send a Get Request to 'YOUR_SERVER/api/v1/people/1' Hurray we see a jsonbody, nice but not usefull let us change this. Now open your swapi.wadl and add the following into the xs:schema part

<xs:element name="people">
        <xs:element name="starships" type="xs:string" maxOccurs="unbounded" />
        <xs:element name="height" type="xs:string" />
        <xs:element name="hair_color" type="xs:string" />
        <xs:element name="vehicles" type="xs:string" maxOccurs="unbounded" />
        <xs:element name="birth_year" type="xs:string" />
        <xs:element name="skin_color" type="xs:string" />
        <xs:element name="mass" type="xs:string" />
        <xs:element name="name" type="xs:string" />
        <xs:element name="films" type="xs:string" maxOccurs="unbounded" />
        <xs:element name="species" type="xs:string" maxOccurs="unbounded" />
        <xs:element name="eye_color" type="xs:string" />
        <xs:element name="gender" type="xs:string" />
        <xs:element name="url" type="xs:string" />
        <xs:element name="homeworld" type="xs:string" />

and add to repesentation row the elmentname:

<wadl:resource path="people/{id}">
  <wadl:param name="id" type="xs:number" required="true" style="template" />
      <wadl:method name="GET">
        <wadl:request />
        <wadl:response status="">
          <wadl:representation mediaType="application/json" element="people" />

Ok Deploy again after then add metamodels again. Now check your Swapi.gen.ts again and you will see a new Interface

* @interface people
export interface people {
  starships?: string[];
  height?: string;
  hair_color?: string;
  vehicles?: string[];
  birth_year?: string;
  skin_color?: string;
  mass?: string;
  name?: string;
  films?: string[];
  species?: string[];
  eye_color?: string;
  gender?: string;
  url?: string;
  homeworld?: string;

Try out your Postman Get call again and you will see the representation.


Please make sure you have installed

  1. create If you have installed the 'ionic-cli' then you can generate a client app with the following command:
> ionic start client --v2 --ts

Please install the Relution-SDK over npm with the following command

> relution-sample-auth/client: npm i -S

Now open the file client/app/app.ts, it looks like this:

import {Component} from '@angular/core';
import {Platform, ionicBootstrap} from 'ionic-angular';
import {StatusBar} from 'ionic-native';
import {TabsPage} from './pages/tabs/tabs';

  template: '<ion-nav [root]="rootPage"></ion-nav>'
export class MyApp {

  private rootPage: any;

  constructor(private platform: Platform) {
    this.rootPage = TabsPage;

    platform.ready().then(() => {
      // Okay, so the platform is ready and our plugins are available.
      // Here you can do any higher level native things you might need.


First we have to import the Relution package with one line of code:

import * as Relution from 'relution-sdk';

after then we have to 'init' the Relution-SDK so add following line of code in to your constructor from the 'MyApp' Component:

  serverUrl: '{{YOUR_SERVER_URL}}',
  application: '{{YOUR_APPLICATION_NAME}}'
.then((info) => {
  console.log('Relution is ready');

You have only to add the host from your Relution server on the server URL and the application name.

If you don`t no where you get the application name this information is available in the 'relution.hjson' from your root folder

At the end, your 'app.ts' looks like this:

import {Component} from '@angular/core';
import {Platform, ionicBootstrap} from 'ionic-angular';
import {StatusBar} from 'ionic-native';
import {LoginPage} from './pages/login/login';
import * as Relution from 'relution-sdk';

  template: '<ion-nav [root]="rootPage" relutiongray></ion-nav>'
export class MyApp {

  private rootPage: any;

  constructor(private platform: Platform) {
    this.rootPage = LoginPage;

    // initialized the Relution SDK
      serverUrl: '',
      application: 'sampleAuth'
    .then((info) => {
      console.log('Relution is ready');

    platform.ready().then(() => {
      // Okay, so the platform is ready and our plugins are available.
      // Here you can do any higher level native things you might need.


and if the init is successfully the browser console print out 'Relution is ready'.


We need an component for the login, we can generate it with the 'ionic-cli':

> relution-sample-auth/client:  ionic g page login
√ Create app/pages/login/login.html
√ Create app/pages/login/login.scss
√ Create app/pages/login/login.ts

Don't forget to add an import for login.scss in app/themes/app.core.scss:

  @import "../pages/login/login.scss";

Now we have to change the start entry point of our app in the 'client/app/app.ts', change the 'rootPage':

import {LoginPage} from './pages/login/login';

  template: '<ion-nav [root]="rootPage"></ion-nav>'
export class MyApp {

  private rootPage: any;

  constructor(private platform: Platform) {
    this.rootPage = LoginPage;


Next, let us check our LoginPage open 'app/pages/login/login.ts' in your IDE and add the credentials object:

import * as Relution from 'relution-sdk';
export class LoginPage {
	public credentials = {userName: '', password: ''}
	constructor(private nav: NavController) {}

and add the following html into '<ion-content>' on the file 'app/pages/login/login.html'

        <ion-label fixed>Username</ion-label>
        <ion-input type="text" [(ngModel)]="credentials.userName" required></ion-input>
        <ion-label fixed>Password</ion-label>
        <ion-input type="password" [(ngModel)]="credentials.password" required></ion-input>
      <button type="submit" fab fab-right on-click="onSubmit()">
        <ion-icon ios="ios-checkmark-circle-outline" md="md-checkmark-circle-outline"></ion-icon>

The result will show the LoginPage with the credentials form. Ok now we can login the user on the Relution server for this we will need a new method i called it 'onSubmit':

onSubmit() {
        userName: this.credentials.userName,
        password: this.credentials.password
        offlineCapable: true
    .then((resp) => {
      console.log(resp); //server Response
    .catch((e) => {

Now when you clicked on the login button you are still logged in. Full code example from the LoginPage:

import {Component, Input} from '@angular/core';
import {NavController, Loading, Alert} from 'ionic-angular';
import { NgForm }    from '@angular/common';
import {TabsPage} from './../tabs/tabs';
import * as Relution from 'relution-sdk';

  templateUrl: 'build/pages/login/login.html'
export class LoginPage {
  public credentials = {userName: '', password: ''};
  constructor(private nav: NavController) {}

  onSubmit() {
    const loading = Loading.create({
      content: 'Please wait ...'
    return Relution.web.login(
        userName: this.credentials.userName,
        password: this.credentials.password
        offlineCapable: true
    .then((resp) => {
      this.nav.rootNav.setRoot(TabsPage).then(() => {
    .catch((e: Relution.web.HttpError) => {
      let alert = Alert.create({
        title: `${} ${e.statusCode}`,
        subTitle: e.message,
        buttons: ['OK']

Ok we are now we can login.


Build your own WADL for existing APIs


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