reluce / szurubooru-toolkit

Python package and script collection to manage your szurubooru image board.

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Import From Booru only downloads first 100 posts

Kalidibus opened this issue · comments

Downloading from any tag with more than 100 posts won't go above 100, even when using --limit setting.

--limit works for setting it to a lower number, but not above 100.


I pushed a fix to the attached branch of this issue. Can you test it with that?
When I execute the script, at least I get the correct number of posts, but I haven't run it through.


Just tested it for myself and it worked. Fix is included in main and a patch release will be followed shortly.

Very sorry I didn't get a chance to test this out earlier.

This is the behaviour I'm noticing on 0.9.2 when running "import-from-booru":


  • Running without the --limit argument (eg import-from-booru gelbooru "masso") results in the error message below
  • Running with the --limit argument with a value of 100 or less (eg import-from-booru gelbooru --limit 99 "masso") results in the same error message.
  • Running with a --limit argument with a value of 100 or greater (eg import-from-booru gelbooru --limit 150 "masso") appears to behave normally at first, but will always return 0 posts found.

szurubooru-toolkit# import-from-booru gelbooru "masso" [INFO] [13.08.2023, 23:22:22 UTC]: Retrieving posts from gelbooru with query "masso"... [ERROR] [13.08.2023, 23:22:22 UTC] [import-from-booru.<module>]: An error has been caught in function '<module>', process 'MainProcess' (106), thread 'MainThread' (139922118998912): Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/local/bin/import-from-booru", line 6, in <module> sys.exit(main()) File "/szurubooru-toolkit/src/szurubooru_toolkit/scripts/", line 150, in main total_posts = next(posts) File "/szurubooru-toolkit/src/szurubooru_toolkit/", line 432, in get_posts_from_booru results = sync(booru.client.search_posts(tags=query.split()), limit=limit) File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/", line 909, in wrapper return dispatch(args[0].__class__)(*args, **kw) TypeError: sync_co() got an unexpected keyword argument 'limit' Exception ignored in: <coroutine object Gelbooru.search_posts at 0x7f4225be3ef0> Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/", line 537, in _warn_unawaited_coroutine warn(msg, category=RuntimeWarning, stacklevel=2, source=coro) File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/", line 109, in _showwarnmsg sw(msg.message, msg.category, msg.filename, msg.lineno, File "/szurubooru-toolkit/src/szurubooru_toolkit/", line 43, in ignore_decompression_bomb_warning return warnings.defaultaction(message, category, filename, lineno, file, line) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ TypeError: 'str' object is not callable


  • Does not generate the errors above, and works well, but the amount of posts pulled is always different from the value of the --limit argument

Some more strange behaviour:



You're right, there was still some work to do. I pushed another quick to main where Danbooru (and hopefully other boorus) work just fine.

However, I've noticed that the Gelbooru module I'm using is only retrieving a maximum of 20 results instead of the usual 100. Using a limit of 100 gets ignored, using the API URL in the browser does work however. I also cannot get any results anymore, so I got probably rate limited for today.

There is still some old code in import-from-booru which probably needs rewriting, but as the import-from-url script exists, I'm kinda lazy to do any major reworks.

You can always use the import-from-url script, but yeah, the syntax is not as clean as the import-from-booru script: import-from-url [--range "1-20"]

I just tried the import-from-url script work around and yeah that works great thanks!