reload / bug-yield

Integrates Harvest and Jira timetracking

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


GitHub Workflow Status (branch) Codecov branch

BugYield is a console application which tracks changes to tickets (issues, work items, bugs whatever) across systems (two-way) to avoid tedious double registrations.

Which means that the developers only need to track time in Harvest, and then ticket-titles will be transferred automatically from Jira to the Harvest time entry AND time spend on that ticket will be synchronized in Jira.


Clone the repository and run composer install to install dependencies. The PHP extensions curl, xml and mbstring are required.


BugYield needs to know where and how to access the systems involved. This configuration is handled by a config.yml file. Copy the provided config.sample.yml and update it with account information. If your configuration file is not located in the root directory you can specify the path to the config file using the --config option.

In order to send mails it needs a SendGrid key supplied in the environment variable SENDGRID_API_KEY.


BugYield currently supports two use cases:

  1. Time synchronization: Mapping entries in Harvest to time elapsed in Jira tickets
  2. Title synchronization: Mapping ticket titles from Jira to Harvest entries

BugYield works in the context of one or more Harvest projects identified through their id, full name or code. Projects can be specified in the configuration or using the --harvest-project option. Use the magic name all to specify all Harvest projects.

Run ./bugyield from the command line to show all available commands.

  1. Time synchronization example: ./bugyield tim --bugtracker=a-label Run BugYield with the bugtracker defined in config.yml with the label a-label
  2. Title synchronization example: ./bugyield tit --bugtracker=a-label Run BugYield with the bugtracker defined in config.yml with the label a-label

Just change the --bugtracker=XXXX with another label to run another bugtracker. We have two Jira bugtrackers configured in the same config.yml

Running in docker

To build an image to run in docker, you must first build an image:

docker build . -t reload/bug-yield:local

When running in docker, you should mount in the config file:

docker run -v /path/to/config.yml:/bug-yield/config.yml reload/bug-yield:local

In development, you can mount in the full source and run a command immediately:

docker run -v $PWD:/bug-yield/ reload/bug-yield:local /bug-yield/bugyield --bugtracker=sometracker tim

Time synchronization

BugYield can update tickets in Jira with time registrations in Harvest. This makes it easier to show how much time has been spent on a ticket and how this corresponds with estimates.

It works like this:

  1. Add #<ticket-id> (without the <>'s) in the Harvest entry notes
  2. Run the timesync command
  3. The elapsed time field for the Jira ticket is updated and a new worklog is added to the ticket showing the entry id, the time spent, the task type and the notes from Harvest.

If the time or task for the Harvest entry is changed at a later point in time, subsequent execution of the timesync command adds a new comment to the ticket and the elapsed time field is adjusted accordingly.

If a Harvest entry contains multiple ticket ids the time spent is distributed evenly across the mentioned tickets.

If BugYield detects serious inconsistencies, then it will email the offending user and optionally a separately defined email address (e.g. to the Project Manager).


Make sure that the Closed state is editable in your Jira workflows, thus enabling bugyield to update worklogs on closed issues - see Jira documentation

Title synchronization

BugYield can update entries in Harvest with ticket titles from Jira. This makes it easier register time on specific tickets without typing other than the ticket-number (prefixed with a #). NOTE: When an entry has been submitted and thereby locked, then we can't edit the entry, and it will fail.

It works like this:

  1. Add <ticket-id> (without the <>'s) in the Harvest entry notes
  2. Run the titlesync command
  3. The entry notes in Harvest are updated with the ticket titles from Jira replacing <ticket-id> with <ticket-id>[<ticket-title>]

If a Jira ticket title is changed at a later point in time, subsequent execution of the titlesync command makes sure that the Harvest entry notes are updated accordingly.

Known errors and problems

Brackets in ticket titles

If you put brackets in your ticket title, you make it difficult for BugYield to recognize our "codes". It will handle the ticket, but display warnings and remove any comments on the Harvest entry created by the user.


Integrates Harvest and Jira timetracking


Language:PHP 99.7%Language:Dockerfile 0.3%