relan / exfat

Free exFAT file system implementation

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Unable to repair files with ERROR: bad date 1980-01-00.

erosenberg opened this issue · comments

When I first run this, I get WARN: volume was not unmounted cleanly., and then I get:

ERROR: bad date 1980-01-00.

I'm willing to bet this is because I think I ejected improperly from my macOS laptop, and now Ubuntu is unhappy with me because of the timezone formatting differences.
Is there a way to automatically repair this issue?

facing the same issue

Same on Linux 5.10.23-1-MANJARO :

$ sudo exfatfsck -y /dev/mmcblk0p1 
exfatfsck 1.3.0
Checking file system on /dev/mmcblk0p1.
File system version           1.0
Sector size                 512 bytes
Cluster size                128 KB
Volume size                 119 GB
Used space                   38 GB
Available space              81 GB
ERROR: bad date 1980-00-00.
ERROR: bad date 1980-00-00.
ERROR: bad date 1980-00-00.
ERROR: bad date 1980-00-00.
Totally 101 directories and 421 files.
File system checking finished. ERRORS FOUND: 4, FIXED: 0.

facing the same issue. After the files are removed from the disk, the ERROR: bad date 1980-00-00 errors are gone.

➜ ~ sudo fsck -n /dev/sdb1
fsck from util-linux 2.33.1
exfatfsck 1.3.0
Checking file system on /dev/sdb1.
ERROR: bad date 1980-00-00.
ERROR: bad date 1980-00-00.
ERROR: bad date 1980-00-00.
File system version 1.0
Sector size 512 bytes
Cluster size 128 KB
Volume size 58 GB
Used space 4321 KB
Available space 58 GB
ERROR: bad date 1980-00-00.
ERROR: bad date 1980-00-00.
ERROR: bad date 1980-00-00.
ERROR: bad date 1980-00-00.
ERROR: bad date 1980-00-00.
ERROR: bad date 1980-00-00.
ERROR: bad date 1980-00-00.
ERROR: bad date 1980-00-00.
ERROR: bad date 1980-00-00.
ERROR: bad date 1980-00-00.
Totally 2 directories and 11 files.
File system checking finished. ERRORS FOUND: 13, FIXED: 0.


exfatksck can't fix errors like this for now. Leaving this as TODO reminder for me.