reinzor / timeline-exporter

Google maps timeline exporter Chrome extension

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Feature request: Export processed data

reinzor opened this issue · comments

  • Export km
  • Export miles
  • Export duration as hr:min:sec

Hi Rein, thanks for looking into that.

I'm a self-employed carpenter/handyman working for different customers at different locations in Amsterdam. For 3 years I've been using Google timeline to trace back 1 day at the time where I've been working and for how long. Very time-consuming, so that's why I'm so pleased with your tool. I'm wondering why you wanted to make this tool.

I played with TE a bit more and tried to do an export over a longer period of time, like the year 2018 or 2019. But somehow Google doesn't like hat. It seems like the requests to Google are made while I'm putting the date range in. I got messages from Google which said something about too many requests and wanted to know if I'm a robot (I've seen this behavior mentioned in other posts too). On other occasions, the tool just hangs and I have to start over.

I've tried it like this: Start with the focus on "day" and put in the beginning of the date range I want. Then I switch to "range". The tool fills in the date of today and immediately starts grabbing but locks up prematurely. It might be that that range is too large to grab, but trying to choose an earlier end date results either in a lockup or Google complaining.

Maybe it is possible to make it so that you choose a date range first, max 1 year at a time, without sending requests to Google just jet. Then send that request with an added GO button.

I've managed to export a bit more than a year, 1 Jan 2020 till now, so 1 year at the time should be fine.

I hope this input is useful to you. I think your tool opens up even more possibilities. I'm very happy already though.

Hi @JohnBigfield , thanks for the detailed usage report. I opened a new issue for the GO button functionality you mentioned.

The main motivation for the tool was the hassle of filling in timesheet based on gmaps timeline data. This allows me to easy create timesheets of the time worked at a specific location or mileage reports.

Not that this should be configured here:


Ah yes, found it, I didn't expect it to be there. Love it. Works like a charm. Thanks