reimagined / resolve

Full stack CQRS, DDD, Event Sourcing framework for Node.js

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The Node process stays active after resolve applications are stopped.

Matosov opened this issue · comments

  1. Execute the following command in order to create a new resolve application:
    npx create-resolve-app resolve-shopping-list-redux -e shopping-list-redux

  2. Change current folder to the just created:
    cd resolve-shopping-list-redux

  3. Run the application:
    yarn dev

There are 4 Node processes in the processes list (picture 1).

  1. Press the Ctrl+C keys within the terminal where the application was started in order to stop it.

There are 1 Node process in the processes list now (picture 2).

  1. Run the application again.
    yarn dev

An error is in the terminal log (picture 3). Though the application is started.

Node version: 14.17.6
Yarn version: 1.22.5
MacOS version: 12.0.1