reem / rust-typemap

A typesafe store keyed by types and containing different types of values.

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Is this crate dead?

najamelan opened this issue · comments

@reem it looks like there are several unanswered issues and pull requests, with the last commit dating back 2 years. Would you mind clarifying the status of this crate, whether it's recommended to use it, whether it compiles on recent rust?

If you don't have time to maintain this, are you looking for other maintainers? You could check out the rust bus.

Thanks in advance.

Is there any maintained alternative?

I started work on trivial type-map implementation here

It uses indexmap rather than std's hash map.

traitobject which depends on this crate via unsafe-any seems to get a unmaintained advisory: rustsec/advisory-db#1088

That led me to investigate which crates depend on it including this -

Does anyone have a fork going from typemap ?

I see @DoumanAsh has published ttmap and updated 8 months ago - should we include this in recommendations if this crate alternatives ?
