redvox / Nestor

Dashboard with Rasberry Pi and ePaper display

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Personal Dashboard with Rasberry Pi and ePaper display.

It displays the local weather, your google calender events of the next few days and a list of bus depatures of your favorite bus stop.


e-Paper Driver HAT Settings

If you using the Driver HAT, like i do. Make sure the switches on the Hat are set correctly.

Display Config has to be set accordingly to the display you are using. In case of the 7.5 inch it would be B.

The Interface Config must be set to 0.

Waveshare has a Video explaining the different settings.


Install OS

Download Raspbian Stretch Lite.

Use Etcher to write the image to your SD card.

Enable SSH

Because of security issues in the recent past, SSH is not enabled by default.

You can hook up a display and keyboard/mouse to enable ssh via the grapical userinterface, but the developers also added a nice little "headless" option.

If you create a file named ssh on the boot partition, ssh will be enabled.

Find your raspberry's IP

Plug in your Raspberry. If you have a screen connected, the ip address will be prompted.

Should you have trouble find it or you do not have a screen attached, you can use nmap to scan your local network.

sudo apt install -y nmap
sudo nmap -sP

Connect to your raspberry

After you got your ip, its time to connect to your raspberry.

ssh pi@

After the initial connectivity is assured, change the default password with sudo passwd pi on your pi.

After than use ssh-copy-id to make your raspberry accessible via ssh-key.

ssh-copy-id -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa pi@

This way you do not have to type your password with every access, once your key is unlocked.

[optional] Remove graphical user interface

If you do not need a desktop environment, you can remove it.

sudo apt-get remove cups*
sudo apt-get remove gnome*
sudo apt-get remove x11-common*
sudo apt-get autoremove

Install python

Install python 3 on your raspberry via:

sudo apt install -y python3
sudo apt install -y python3-dev
sudo apt install -y python3-pip
sudo apt install -y libopenjp2-7-dev
sudo apt install -y libtiff4
sudo apt install -y libtiff5

[optional] third party libraries

On the Waveshare Wiki there is a section about libraries you need to install. I obtained them with the Example Code, but ended up not needing them.

If the project does not work for you, you may want to look at Waveshares Guide to install libraries.

Enable SPI

To allow your adapter to communicate with your display, you have to enable SPI.

sudo raspi-config

Go to Interface Options, then SPI, then enable

[optional] Enable WiFi

If you do not not want to have a cable connected all the time, you can enable wifi.

sudo raspi-config

Go to Network Options, then Wi-fi, then enter your SSId and password.

To check your wifi use:


[optional] Setting correct timezone

If you clean-install your raspberry it usually has utc as standard timezone.

sudo raspi-config

Go to Localisation Options, then Change Timezone and then choose your timezone.

Google Calender

Register Application and activate API

Go and look at Googles Quickstart Tutorial

Make sure to register your application and download client_id.json and put it under config/ directory of this project.

Get Credentials

To get credentials from google, run the provided script. Make sure you have a browser open with the google account you want to access.


The credentials file will be saved under config/google_credentials.json


The calendar part of the configuration is a map, containing the gmail calendars you want to display.

    "calendar": {
        "Primary": "primary",
        "Husband": "",
        "Daughter": ""

Open your calendar settings and look for the calendar-id.

Wunderground Weather

Go to Wunderground Api Page, register and account and "purchase" a Developer Api Key for 0$.

You can see your api key under Key Settings and then Key ID.

Add your api key and zmw to config/config.json.


The weather configuration constits of the api_key and the zmw, which is a wundergrund location id of the station you want to use.

      "weather": {
            "api_key": "1234566",
            "zmw": "00000.00.0000"


Go to ([], there you can insert the bus stop


Copy Nestor files

To copy the script files open and set the TARGET_IP variable to the ip of your raspberry.

Then run:

./ -as

This will copy all necessary files to your raspberry, run and execute Nestor on your raspberry.

Run script every hour

To run your script every hour and refresh your display run:

crontab -e

Select the editor of your choice and add the following line at the end of the file:

0 * * * * /home/pi/ >> script.log

This will run Nestor every hour.


To setup the project, please run the following:


This will create a virtual environment with python3 and install all necessary libraries.

To run your code use or to run it on your raspberry.

Make sure you set the TARGET_IP in the script.


Nestor is a hobby project and welcomes code improvements, bug fixes, suggestions and feature requests.

For those of your interested, providing documentation to other parties is equally welcome.

If you decide to contribute code please follow naming conventions and style guides the code currently complies too.

In doubt: be safe and follow (PEP-8)[].


Distributed under the Apache License 2.0


Dashboard with Rasberry Pi and ePaper display

License:Apache License 2.0


Language:Python 91.3%Language:Shell 8.7%