redux-zero / redux-zero

A lightweight state container based on Redux

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ownProps undefined in actions using redux-zero/preact

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import {h} from 'preact'
import createStore from 'redux-zero'
import {Provider, connect} from 'redux-zero/preact'

const Component = ({ count, increment }) => <h1 onClick={() => increment()}>{count}</h1>;

const mapToProps = ({ count }) => ({ count });

const actions = (store, ownProps) => ({
    increment: state => {
        console.log(ownProps) // === undefined
        return ({ count: state.count + ownProps.value})

const ConnectedComponent = connect(mapToProps, actions)(Component);

const store = createStore({ count: 1 });

export default () => (
    <Provider store={store}>
        <ConnectedComponent value={10} />

In preact/Connect, I belive this.props should be passed as third argument to bindActions in the getActions function (line 23)

@chanthafef thanks for noticing this. We added ownProps to react bindings but we forget about preact's one.

I'll be more than happy to accept a PR on this.

Thanks again.

Thanks for the fast answer. --> PR