redorav / hlslpp

Math library using hlsl syntax with SSE/NEON support

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shipp108 opened this issue · comments

hlslpp_inline float32x4_t vceilq_f32(float32x4_t x)
	float32x4_t trnc = vcvtq_f32_s32(vcvtq_s32_f32(x));				// Truncate
	float32x4_t gt = vcgtq_f32(trnc, x);							// Check if truncation was greater or smaller (i.e. was negative or positive number)
	uint32x4_t shr = vshrq_n_u32(vreinterpretq_u32_f32(gt), 31);	// Shift to leave a 1 or a 0
	float32x4_t result = vaddq_f32(trnc, vcvtq_f32_u32(shr));		// Add to truncated value
	return result;

"float32x4_t gt = vcgtq_f32(trnc, x);" should be modified to "float32x4_t gt = vcgtq_f32(x, trnc);"

Fixed via d674694. I've fixed the Android build to be able to use std math functions and added the tests for ceil and floor which were easy to set up. Thanks for reporting!