redom / redom

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`value` property for <select> is not handled properly

lacikawiz opened this issue · comments

Using :

The value property when given to a <select> tag won't have the effect of setting the value but simply disappears without any effect.

Look at the following JSFiddle example to demostrate it:

const { el, mount } = redom;

const hello = el("select", {size:"3",style:"width:120px",value:"b"}, [

The `value` parameter is not handled properly. Option "b" should be selected 
but it does not get selected unless the following line is uncommented.

// hello.value="b"

mount(document.body, hello);


el("select", {size:"3",style:"width:120px"}, [
  el("option", { value: 'a' },"a"),
  el("option", { value: 'b', selected: true },"b"),
  el("option", { value: 'c' },"c"),

Shouldn't this work the same way as the <input> where
el("input",{value:"something"}) sets the value at the time of creation?

At least you need to define option values first.. Not sure why that's not enough though, but I personally use selected. RE:DOM calls the DOM without any black magic, so that value sets the property (not attribute).