redis / redis-om-spring

Spring Data Redis extensions for better search, documents models, and more

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Modifying @Document attributes does not update the index attributes on redis

xMilos opened this issue · comments

I have an example class

@RequiredArgsConstructor(staticName = "of")
public class StudentRedis {

    private Long id;

    private Long studentId;

    private Long year;


On app start this will create a json index in redis that will have 3 identifiers/attributes: for id , studentId and year.

But If I modify any of this or add new property example:

private String name;

**that attribute is not added to the redis index on next application restart, and I can't use that attribute for search. **

Is this intended or am i missing something?

Same happens if i remove @NumericIndexed annotation from field, that attribute stays in the redis index, even if it is deleted.

Only if i flushAll or drop the index in redis, the index gets recreated.
It seems that the code does not check if there was update to the @document compared to the redis index.

Is there a solution for this?

Hi! you can use "FT.DROPINDEX your_index" command in redis-cli terminal. when the application starts, the index will be created.

Ok i just wanted to make sure that this is not supported by redis-om, will it be in future ?


@xMilos you can use in code level,

RediSearchIndexer indexer;

public void recreateIndex(){

Ok i just wanted to make sure that this is not supported by redis-om, will it be in future ?

I think this really needs to be implemented and I have an idea.

but still get an opinion @bsbodden