redis / redis-benchmarks-specification

The Redis benchmarks specification describes the cross-language/tools requirements and expectations to foster performance and observability standards around redis related technologies. Members from both industry and academia, including organizations and individuals are encouraged to contribute.

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

[BUG]: tmp* folders are not deleting after execution of some tests

markovamaria opened this issue · comments

Describe the bug
tmp* folders are not deleting after execution of some tests.
For benchmark version 72, home directory has 12 empty tmp* directories per run after execution.

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

$ numactl --physcpubind=1 ./r_servers/redis-server --protected-mode no --port 6379 --dir run_server_logs --logfile run_server.log --save "" &
$ server_pid=$!
$ redis-benchmarks-spec-client-runner --db_server_host localhost --db_server_port 6379 --client_aggregated_results_folder ./run --flushall_on_every_test_start --flushall_on_every_test_end
$ kill -9 $server_pid 

Expected behavior
There is no empty tmp* directories in home directory after execution.

for 3 runs home dir constains 36 empty tmp dirs after execution

From what I found in the code, temporary directory isn't deleted when benchmark is skipped for any reasons (f.e. WARNING Skipping test memtier_benchmark-1key-geo-60M-elements-geohash giving it implies dataset preload) because there is continue right after check. Could it be the case here?

Also running redis-benchmarks-spec-client-runner with --dry-run flag results in creating X empty temporary directories (where X is the number of run benchmarks) that are never deleted.