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Legacy command no longer call callback with error

msebire opened this issue · comments


Since @redis/client 1.5.0, callback are no longer called when an error is thrown.

Issue can be reproduced using the following code:

  const client = createClient({ url, legacyMode: true });
  await client.connect();

  const result = await promisify(client.sendCommand).call(client, 'PING');
  console.log(`Result is ${result}`);

> OK "Result is PONG" is printed

  try {
    await promisify(client.sendCommand).call(client, 'FAIL');
  } catch (e) {
    console.log(`Error is ${e}`);
> KO, we never reach this code

From what I was able to investigate, it seems the issue was introduced here: aa75ee49#diff-6674346081a0261b88e15fb0ae5a540ec522569c7310ff00a34b4b0c34a0c07aL316
as the catch mechanism to forward the error to the callback was removed.

To give you a bit more context on my use case, I encountered this issue because I use redlock as dependency of my project.
Redlock use the callback error mechanism to load scripts if they are missing.

Node.js Version


Redis Server Version


Node Redis Version





No response

@msebire version 4.6.2 is on npm, sorry about that

edit: BTW, I've added tests so it won't happen again..