redhat-sap / sap-commerce-operator

This is the kubernetes operator for SAP Commerce aka SAP C/4HANA aka SAP Hybris.

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During HybrisApp creation of services should expose 8009 as a NodePort service

faizalak opened this issue · comments

HybrisApp today creates services automatically for 9001 and 9002. 8009 is an AJP port that is already having a listener from the Tomcat instance used in Hybris. This port 8009 needs to be exposed as a NodePort service for the user to consume the AJP endpoints.

Need to add 8009 to the existing service (today has 9001 and 9002), change the type of the service to NodePort (today it is ClusterIP), and then have the user provide the specific nodePort value to use. A user entry is needed for nodePort since the port value needs to be static across multiple deployments. In the below example nodePort:30000 is a user-provided value

externalTrafficPolicy: Cluster
- IPv4
- name: 9001-http-tcp
protocol: TCP
port: 9001
targetPort: 9001
nodePort: 30592
- name: 9002-https-tcp
protocol: TCP
port: 9002
targetPort: 9002
nodePort: 32688
- name: 8009-ajp-tcp
protocol: TCP
port: 8009
targetPort: 8009
nodePort: 30000
type: NodePort
ipFamilyPolicy: SingleStack
sessionAffinity: None
app: hybrisApp
hybrisApp_cr: hybrisapp-sample-qa1
