red-coracle / episodes

Keep track of which television show episodes you've seen!

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

TV show dissapears from main screen

schdie opened this issue · comments

I added a couple of TV shows and everything worked fine for some weeks, and one day after opening the app one of the TV shows disappeared from the main screen as soon as it loaded, I saw it there after it loaded and then it disappeared immediately. A couple of days later it happened again with another TV show, exactly the same. I tried to re-add them but I get a toast message saying: "TV Show name already in library".

Maybe it's in the archive. You can click the liney triangle in the top right and select Archived to see all archived shows.

They were there! But I'm sure I didn't archive them.

See #17. They're sometimes hard to see, and thus can be touched without realising. Also, see the PR to fix it: #106