recyclejs / recycle

Convert functional/reactive object description using RxJS into React component

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sources.className doesn't work if selected element has multiple classes

mihaisavezi opened this issue · comments


If I have multiple classes on the node on which I want to attach the listener and I want to select it by one of its classes, it won't work. Is this expected?

const Timer = recycle({
  initialState: {
    secondsElapsed: 0,
    counter: 0

  update(sources) {
    return [
        .reducer(function(state) {
          return state;

      Rx.Observable.interval(1000).reducer(function(state) {
        return state;

  view(props, state) {
    return (
          Seconds Elapsed: {state.secondsElapsed}
          Times Clicked: {state.counter}
        <button className="not-working f5 avenir link dim ph4 pv3 mb2 mt4 dib white">
          Click Me

Yes, this is expected.

This is also covered in FAQ:

Can I use CSS selectors?
Since Recycle doesn't query over your nodes, selectors like div .class will not work

Recycle is just a wrapper around a React component and enabling this would require a lot of changes in how React itself is rendering components.

So you should either use some unique selector or a classical react component.