receyuki / stable-diffusion-prompt-reader

A simple standalone viewer for reading prompts from Stable Diffusion generated image outside the webui.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

[FEATURE REQUEST] - Some improvement suggestions

Manniala opened this issue · comments


Some of those have already been mentioned, but just want to put them here anyway (again).

General Improvements

Remember Position and Size (Mentioned by ktuccy)

Highlight relevant data (Mentioned by DESIGNOSIS)

Scroll with the mouse wheel on the image, (can be with or without "CTRL"), Up Scroll Next Image, Down Previous

User settings/preference

As Supplement to the Highlight relevant data, an option to change the color of the highlight.

Change font size, with higher res on the desktop, everything gets smaller, so an option to change font size would bee great.
(Or the font can be changed with "CTRL+Mouse Wheel" in each section, prompt...)

Option to drag each section (Prompt, Negative... into different sizes, most of the times the prompt has more data, if the font gets bigger, it may req more space, than the other, and i rather want to avoid scroll bars, if i can :) )

Options to check for new version, and either download the new version directly, or pop up with A new version were found (Click here to download). Can than be info showing what is new before download, many way to do this Of cause.

Option to change what happens when you click the image, change it to Open browse window when you right click instead of left...

Option Remember last opened folder

Option to start with previous opened image (and folder)

Think that was it for now, i may come with more later :)

Basic Example

Well it all is in the first "Summery"

Reference Issues.

No response

I'm impressed by the many practical suggestions you've made. The current situation is that I don't have enough time to develop, so the version includes folder browsing, batch processing, and user preference has only been completed by about 50%. My current plan is to provide a CLI tool ASAP to make batch processing possible (already 90% complete).
I really appreciate you organising the tasks I need to do (most of which are already on my TODO list). Feel free to provide more suggestions at any time.

Hey, thank you for taking time to reply.
Hehe, yeah i know that "real life" thing comes in the way for many things :D