receiptline / receiptline

Markdown for receipts. Printable digital receipts. Generate receipt printer commands and images.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Open cash drawer on TSP143III

selenecodes opened this issue · comments

Good morning, I love your package however I can't seem to get the cash drawer to open? Printing however works fine*

I know the Star TSP143III only supports raster images without a driver hence the following workflow:

  • Connect to printer using WebUSB -> Create receiptline SVG -> Convert SVG to png -> Send png to printer

Example repo:
Example website running said repo:

This is my input string:


Ichigaya Terminal
1-Y-X Kudan, Chiyoda-ku
02-07-2021 21:00
{border:line; width:30}
{border:space; width:*,2,10}
BEER                   | 2|     13.00
CHIDORI                | 2|    172.80
^TOTAL             |          ^185.80
CASH               |           200.00
CHANGE             |            14.20
{code:20210207210001; option:48,hri}

Nvm got it working with this command {command:\x07} just needed to ensure that said command was added AFTER creating the png (I was encoding it in my png xD)