receiptline / receiptline

Markdown for receipts. Printable digital receipts. Generate receipt printer commands and images.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

[enhancement] More programming languages

zakaria-chahboun opened this issue · comments

Is there any planning to support other programming languages!
Like Go python, dart C++, rust, ruby, php etc ...
The good thing of ReceiptLine is the use of Markdown! So the portability is fulfilled here.
You just have to remake the parser to the other programming languages!

in my opinion you have just to support SVG rendering, then the developer convert it to PNG image and print it easily, That's what i did in nodejs

An imagination example code (python):

import receiptline as rc

doc = '{code:2012345678903;option:ean,hri}'
display = (cpl: 42, encoding: 'cp437')
svg = rc.transform(doc, display)

Thank you very much!

We would like to port this reference implementation of the Receipt Description Language to other platforms and other programming languages.

And we are looking forward to the porting support by the open source community and the official support by manufacturers and software companies.