rebvivi / 2020-04-02_python_bnb_balance

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PyPI version License

Ball & Beam Gym

Ball & beam simulation as OpenAI gym environments.


Run command:

pip install ballbeam-gym

or clone the repository and run the following inside the folder:

pip install -e .

System Dynamics

Simulated as a frictionless first order system that takes the beam angle as input. The equation that describe the system is as follows:

dx/dt = v(t)
dv/dt = -m*g*sin(theta(t))/((I + 1)*m)



  • BallBeamBalanceEnv - Objective is to not drop the ball from the beam using key state variables as observation space.
  • VisualBallBeamBalanceEnv - Same as above but only using simulation plot as observation space.
  • BallBeamSetpointEnv - Objective is to keep the ball as close to a set position on the beam as possible using key state variables as observation space.
  • VisualBallBeamSetpointEnv - Same as above but only using simulation plot as observation space.
  • BallBeamThrowEnv - Objective is to throw the ball as far as possible to the right possible using key state variables as observation space.
  • VisualBallBeamThrowEnv - Same as above but only using simulation plot as observation space.


  • BallBeamBalance-v0
  • VisualBallBeamBalance-v0
  • BallBeamSetpoint-v0
  • VisualBallBeamSetpoint-v0
  • BallBeamThrow-v0
  • VisualBallBeamThrow-v0


The environments use the same API and inherits from OpenAI gyms.

  • step(action) - Simulate one timestep.
  • reset() - Reset environment to start conditions.
  • render(mode='human') - Visualize one timestep.
  • seed(seed) - Make environment deterministic.


Ball is given a random or set initial velocity and it is the agent's job to stabilize the ball on the beam using a set of key state variables.


  • timestep - Length of a timestep.
  • beam_length - Length of beam.
  • max_angle - Max abs(angle) of beam.
  • init_velocity - Initial speed of ball (None for random).
  • max_timesteps - Max timesteps in an episode (None for infinate).
  • action_mode - Continuous or discrete action space.

Observation Space

  • Beam angle.
  • Ball position on beam.
  • Ball velocity.

Action Space


  • Set angle.


  • Increase angle.
  • Keep angle.
  • Descrease angle.


A reward of 1 is given for each timestep ball stays on beam.


Resets when ball falls of beam or max timesteps are reached.


Ball is given a random or set initial velocity and it is the agent's job to stabilize the ball on the beam using a image data from the simulation plot.


  • timestep - Length of a timestep.
  • beam_length - Length of beam.
  • max_angle - Max abs(angle) of beam.
  • init_velocity - Initial speed of ball (None for random).
  • max_timesteps - Max timesteps in an episode (None for infinate).
  • action_mode - Continuous or discrete action space.

Observation Space

  • RGB image [350x260x3].

Action Space


  • Set angle.


  • Increase angle.
  • Keep angle.
  • Descrease angle.


A reward of 1 is given for each timestep ball stays on beam.


Resets when ball falls of beam or max timesteps are reached.


The agent's job is to keep the ball's position as close as possible to a setpoint using a set of key state variables.


  • timestep - Length of a timestep.
  • beam_length - Length of beam.
  • max_angle - Max abs(angle) of beam.
  • init_velocity - Initial speed of ball (None for random).
  • max_timesteps - Max timesteps in an episode (None for infinate).
  • action_mode - Continuous or discrete action space.
  • setpoint - Target position of ball (None for random).

Observation Space

  • Beam angle.
  • Ball position.
  • Ball velocity.
  • Setpoint position.

Action Space


  • Set angle.


  • Increase angle.
  • Keep angle.
  • Descrease angle.


At each timestep the agent is rewarded with the squared proximity between the ball and the setpoint:

reward = (1 - abs(setpoint - ball_position)/beam_length)^2.


Resets when ball falls of beam or max timesteps are reached.


The agent's job is to keep the ball's position as close as possible to a setpoint using a image data from the simulation plot.


  • timestep - Length of a timestep.
  • beam_length - Length of beam.
  • max_angle - Max abs(angle) of beam.
  • init_velocity - Initial speed of ball (None for random).
  • max_timesteps - Max timesteps in an episode (None for infinate).
  • action_mode - Continuous or discrete action space.
  • setpoint - Target position of ball (None for random).

Observation Space

  • RGB image [350x260x3].

Action Space


  • Set angle.


  • Increase angle.
  • Keep angle.
  • Descrease angle.


At each timestep the agent is rewarded with the squared proximity between the ball and the setpoint:

reward = (1 - abs(setpoint - ball_position)/beam_length)^2.


Resets when ball falls of beam or max timesteps are reached.


The agent's job is to throw the ball as far as possible to the right using a set of key state variables.


  • timestep - Length of a timestep.
  • beam_length - Length of beam.
  • max_angle - Max abs(angle) of beam.
  • init_velocity - Initial speed of ball (None for random).
  • max_timesteps - Max timesteps in an episode (None for infinate).
  • action_mode - Continuous or discrete action space.

Observation Space

  • Beam angle.
  • Ball position on beam.
  • Ball velocity.

Action Space


  • Set angle.


  • Increase angle.
  • Keep angle.
  • Descrease angle.


Is rewarded the calculated distance the ball would travel in x direction when it leaves the beam. Reward for a negative distance is set to 0.


Resets when ball leaves the beam or max timesteps are reached.


The agent's job is to throw the ball as far as possible to the right using a image data from the simulation plot.


  • timestep - Length of a timestep.
  • beam_length - Length of beam.
  • max_angle - Max abs(angle) of beam.
  • init_velocity - Initial speed of ball (None for random).
  • max_timesteps - Max timesteps in an episode (None for infinate).
  • action_mode - Continuous or discrete action space.

Observation Space

  • RGB image [350x260x3].

Action Space


  • Set angle.


  • Increase angle.
  • Keep angle.
  • Descrease angle.


Is rewarded the calculated distance the ball would travel in x direction when it leaves the beam. Reward for a negative distance is set to 0.


Resets when ball leaves the beam or max timesteps are reached.

Example: PID Controller

import gym
import ballbeam_gym

# pass env arguments as kwargs
kwargs = {'timestep': 0.05, 
          'setpoint': 0.4,
          'beam_length': 1.0,
          'max_angle': 0.2,
          'init_velocity': 0.0,
          'action_mode': 'continuous'}

# create env
env = gym.make('BallBeamSetpoint-v0', **kwargs)

# constants for PID calculation
Kp = 2.0
Kd = 1.0

# simulate 1000 steps
for i in range(1000):   
    # control theta with a PID controller
    theta = Kp*( - env.setpoint) + Kd*(
    obs, reward, done, info = env.step(theta)

    if done:

Example: Reinforcement Learning

import gym
import ballbeam_gym
from stable_baselines.common.policies import MlpPolicy
from stable_baselines.common.vec_env import DummyVecEnv
from stable_baselines import PPO2

# pass env arguments as kwargs
kwargs = {'timestep': 0.05, 
          'setpoint': 0.4,
          'beam_length': 1.0,
          'max_angle': 0.2,
          'init_velocity': 0.0,
          'action_mode': 'discrete'}

# create env
env = gym.make('BallBeamSetpoint-v0', **kwargs)

# train a mlp policy agent
env = DummyVecEnv([lambda: env])
model = PPO2(MlpPolicy, env, verbose=1)

obs = env.reset()

# test agent on 1000 steps
for i in range(1000):
    action, _ = model.predict(obs)
    obs, reward, done, info = env.step(action)
    if done:


License:MIT License


Language:Python 100.0%