RebornHugo / dotfiles

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Hugo's dotfiles



  • use hot-reload
  • ctrl-^,1,2,3... not work in nvim with alacritty
  • latex with grammarly integration
  • BUG: navic highlight not works
  • lsp-inlayhints integration
  • update to NeoVim 0.8, using mason instead of lsp-installer
  • lualine show lsp-signature
  • get project tree, ref:
  • harpoon and marks UI
  • show space and new line symbols(wrap in whichkey)
  • wait for official spectre with current file option
  • clipboard feature: save current clipboard content. x11 with xsel is slow
  • neoscrollbar
  • disable virtual text using whichkey lsp line
  • what's {same_name}-E file
  • virutal env install dap debugpy
  • mason install DAP, linter, formatter automatically
  • check dapui float_element, save breakpoint after reopen nvim
  • better DAP with LSP:
  • toggle key of lsp-signature and reset cmp
  • show underscores, refer to tokyonight
  • zsh lsp: shellcheck, shfmt
  • [.] vimwiki keybinding
  • command mode history not work
  • telescope preview image
  • try folke/noice.nvim
  • Restore session when reopening nvim
  • undo history plugin
  • clangd: goto header, sp, lsp action with diff hint, rename/refactor, use lsp symbol
  • fold code
  • fix visual mode paste keymap

windows manager


  • auto rename windows by host name
  • alacritty key to switch nested tmux tab
  • Try josh nerd-fonts
  • edit tmux output with $EDITOR like zellij
  • Restore tmux session when rebooting
  • select scripts(kill python, predictor; clear cores; ) in Popup


  • Beancount
  • mackup for newsboat or find alternatives


  • wiki2html: sed to make compatible, jump between header doesn't work
  • use local mathjax to accelerate conversion
  • use leader v instead of leader w
  • [.] backlink and tag based hyperlink graph
  • remap
  • TODOLIST -> tasks warriors
  • template for enter key when create new note
  • which-key add more vimwiki-local-mappings
  • add note template, tags, graph view
  • share sync folder with ios obsidian
  • Zettelkasten workflow

Zotero and Sioyek

  • zotfiles with markdown plugin
  • export sioyek notes. I'm still syncing .db file...



Language:Lua 59.5%Language:Shell 35.7%Language:C 4.4%Language:HTML 0.3%Language:Vim Script 0.1%Language:Makefile 0.0%