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REBIPP: Plant-Pollinator Interactions Data Vocabulary

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zedomel opened this issue · comments

Field Value
Rebipp Class rebipp:PlantTrait
Label habit
Definition The general appearance, characteristic form, or mode of growth of a plant species represente in the record. Also refer to the substrate where the plant grows by which the aerial parts are supported.
Comments The most usual terms are tree, bush, climber, herb. Additionally, the mode of growth (aquatic, terrestrial, rupiculous, epiphytic) can be included here. Examples: aquatic herb, epiphytic herb, rupiculous bush. Term reference (literature): Gonçalves and Lorenzi (2011).
Controlled vocabulary tree; bush; climber; herb; epiphytic herb; aquatic herb; rupiculous herb; terrestrial tree; terrestrial bush; terrestrial climber; terrestrial herb; rupiculous tree; rupiculous bush; rupiculous climber; rupiculous herb
Darwin Core Class Occurrence
Cardinality One to one
Reference Protocol

Can we simplify the controlled vocabulary? Is it mixing different concepts: habit x substrate of growth x terrestrial x aquatic?

Can we use this vocabulary: Flora Phenotype Ontology?

Too many controlled-vocabulary categories, I suggest to simplify it: tree, bush, herb, climber

@fonturbel following my previous comment, The Flora Phenotype Ontology defines the following terms for whole plat growth form:

  • whole plant arborescent (synonym: tree)
  • whole plant frutescent (synonym: bush, shurb)
  • whole plant herbaceous:
    • whole plant forbacious (synonym: forb)
    • whole plant graminoid (synonym: grass-like)
  • whole plant lianescent (synonym: liana, climber)

These terms make sense?

Additionally the Flora Phenotype Ontology defines other terms in the whole plant lifeform like the term whole plant epiphytic, so I suspect that the original controlled vocab proposed for this term is mixing different concepts: growth form and life form.

To me it seems that Flora Phenotype Ontology is a good standard.

Agree! Please, correct "represente" to "represented".

I suggest keeping only the first sentence in the definition:" The general appearance, characteristic form, or mode of growth of a plant species represente in the record."

I agree wit @carmensspires. The second part is mixing habit with habitat... And this should be two collumns.

@carmensspires I agree to.

So, can we just keep the controlled vocab as defined in FLOPO for whole plat growth form?

I agree with @carmensspires and in using FLOPO

I agree with @carmensspires and @arech2003., but I suggest only "tree, bush, herb, climber".

I agree with @carmensspires to use 2 columns for plant habit and habitat. Nothing else to add.

New definition: The general appearance, characteristic form, or mode of growth of a plant species