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REBIPP: Plant-Pollinator Interactions Data Vocabulary

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zedomel opened this issue · comments

Field Value
Rebipp Class rebipp:PlantTrait
Label functionalFlowerLifespan
Definition The total period of time in hours in which the female and male flower parts of the recorded plant species are functioning.
Comments The period of time when stigma is receptive to the germination of pollen grains, ovules are receptive to the pollen tubes and anthers present viable pollen grains.
Examples 1, 8, 72, 120
Controlled vocabulary
Darwin Core Class Occurrence
Cardinality One to one
Reference Protocol

I don't feel qualified to issue an informed opinion about this.

This is related to a species trait or a measurement taken from an individual plant? Same question as in #57 .

It is recorded for an individual flower/plant, but sometimes it is extrapolated to the whole species. So, we should specify (?)

Could be numbers with decimals.

This characteristic is measured at the level of the individual and we can have an average for a population of flowers. The definition is reflecting this. I have nothing to add.

The trait refers to an individual whose anthesis was measured. Maybe number could include decimals, but I don´t know how relevant it will be to add such a detail. By functioning are we referring to the Anthesis time or visitation time? I feel like the word anthesis should appear in the definition if referring to it.

@carmensspires I don't see how the definition is reflecting the individual x population measurements. As an example imagine that you receive/download a dataset which you don't know nothing about and you come across a funcionalFlowerLifespan of 72. How could you know that this measurement is about a specific individual or the whole population of a plant species? The definition does not say anything about it (it is ambiguous).

@arech2003 and @viniciusduartina what about change the definition to something like flowerLongevity(#48) requiring a time interval instead a number of hours? This time interval must not be accurate, we can just use intervals like: 06:00AM - 11:00AM.

Should we change the label to functionalFlowerLongevity or functionalFlowerPeriod? If we go for time interval maybe it can be labelled as functionalFlowerTime.

Just some ideias.

@zedomel I see no problem in using time interval or the number of hours as integer if it is not possible to add decimals.

Ideally it would be nice to have both options, the total of hours and start time and end time, of male and female lifespan separately. However, I imagine adding more and more fields and options is not the goal here, so I would stick to the way it is now.

@cepnunes do you have examples of datasets doing this distinction (male/female)?
Maybe, it is possible to separate them using this term in conjunction with flowerSex(#20 ), but I need to see examples of data.

@zedomel it would be neat to use this functionalFlowerLifespan in conjunction with flowerSex (#20) ONLY IN THE CASES in which the flowers are SOLELY FEMALES or SOLELY MALES. In hermaphrodite flowers, it would become messy with the need of separation of the male and female functions. It's something to think about.

I am not seeing how this term and flowerSex go together.
What I understood is that @cepnunes mentioned cases of dichogamy, i.e., when the same flower is first male (of female) and sometime after the opposite sex function starts. Therefore, separate time spans for male function and female function works only for hermaphrodite flowers actually.
I would say that this is adding to much complexity, as it would require to specify the gender function operating in each amount of time.

@pjbergamo and @zedomel, Sorry if I wasn't clear. I meant that the use of functionalFlowerLifespan in conjunction with flowerSexuality (#20) would only work for flowers that bear a single sex function, for instance, when a flower is always male and only male. In other cases, I agree with @pjbergamo in that it could make the form much more complex.

In my opinion the definition is good and understandable. I agree with @viniciusduartina, and I suggest the maintenance of he term functionalFlowerLifespan, because it is usual in the literature.

Nothing to add.

New definition: The total period of time in hours in which the female and male flower parts a plant species are functioning.
We will maintain the unit of time in hours for simplicity.