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REBIPP: Plant-Pollinator Interactions Data Vocabulary

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zedomel opened this issue · comments

Field Value
Rebipp Class rebipp:PlantTrait
Label floralSymmetry
Definition The symmetry describing whether, and how, a flower, in particular its perianth, can be divided into two or more identical or mirror-image parts.
Comments There are essentially two main types of symmetry in flowers: bilateral symmetry (also termed zygomorphic, dorsiventral, lateral or irregular) and radial symmetry (also termed actinomorphic or regular). Recommended best practice is to use a controlled vocabulary such as Phenotype and Ant Trait Ontology (PATO)
Examples zygomorphic,
Controlled vocabulary Phenotype And Trait Ontology
Darwin Core Class Occurrence
Cardinality One to one
Reference Protocol

Controlled vocabulary: zygomorphic; actinomorphic.

@fonturbel I think that Phenotype And Trait Ontolgy covers all the use cases.

Species trait as in #57 ?

Agree with the use of Phenotype And Trait Ontolgy as reference.

I have nothing to add.

I have nothing to add.

If possible, I also suggest the use of as reference. This glossary is based in Radford et al. (1976) and has illustrations.

It is important to consider asymmetric flowers here.

Nothing to add

If possible, I also suggest the use of as reference. This glossary is based in Radford et al. (1976) and has illustrations.

@Mardiore thank you for sharing this glossary. We can fully or partially adopt it. The controlled vocabulary is not part of the standard. So people can adopt any controlled vocab they like or even create their own vocab. But, internally REBIPP should define controlled vocabs. as a suggestion for people to use.

Controlled vocab defined.