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REBIPP: Plant-Pollinator Interactions Data Vocabulary

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zedomel opened this issue · comments

Field Value
Rebipp Class rebipp:PlantTrait
Label availableFlowerQuantity
Definition The number or enumeration value for the quantity of open flowers or inflorescences available to visitors.
Examples 0, 30, 40
Controlled vocabulary
Darwin Core Class Occurrence
Cardinality One to one
Reference Protocol

Change term definition:
The quantity of open flowers or inflorescences available to floral visitors

Do we really need the available to floral visitors in the term definition? How can an open flower not be available?

Indeed, this term could be simply called "flowerQuantity"

About the quote "How can an open flower not be available?" The term OPEN (potentially) suggests availability .. but, pre-anthesis flowers are present in the plant as well, but they are not available, except for bees like Bombus, which can make a hole at the base of the corolla and extract pollen from closed flowers, but this is stealing (negative interaction for plant). OpenFlowerQuantity?

@Andre-Luis-Acosta so, we just have to change the definition to avoid ambiguity on the meaning of available. Maybe the definition can be simple like: The quantity of open flowers or inflorescences of an individual plant, so does not matter if it is available or not, since it is open it is potentially available (?)

Sounds better?

What do we mean by availableFlowerQuantity? Flowers available to floral visitors? That is, flowers that are open and offering some kind of resource. But, an open flower can be a less attractive flower or even unattractive for the floral visitor. Flowers that have already been pollinated and remain open are less attractive and are available.

I don't see much sense in this label. I think this measure only makes sense if it is associated with the age of the flower and the fact that it is pollinated or not.

When we measure flowers available to pollinators, we count only flowers open on the day of sampling, that is, flowers that will still be visited on that specific day. And the measurements are made depending on the flower's phenology.

But, I leave the decision to the experts in floral biology ....

@carmensspires your comment shows how ambiguity this term is. We have to define what we mean by available.

Regarding to the associated terms (age of the flower and if it is pollinated or not) I'm not sure how difficult can be to measured that, specially if a flower was pollinated or not. Let's see what other have to say.

The new definition that I proposed in my previous comment sounds more like flowerAbundance: the number of open flowers of an individual. But it may be expressing a different concept compared to the original one (available to floral visitors).

Nothing to add.

It is quite impossible to know the age of all flowers or if they were pollinated when one is counting the number of flowers.
I see that the problematic word here is 'available'. Therefore, I agree with @zedomel new definition.

Agree with the new definition. I think we don´t need "available to floral visitors" as well.

@zedomel I agree with thew term #flowerAbundance and definition: the number of open flowers of an individual.

I agree with the new term and definition proposed by @zedomel, much better!

@zedomel agree with you on flowerAbundance term

Nothing to add.

New label: flowerAbundance
New definition: The number of open flowers of an plant individual