rebipp / ppi

REBIPP: Plant-Pollinator Interactions Data Vocabulary

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zedomel opened this issue · comments

Field Value
Rebipp Class rebipp:FlowerTrait
Label standingCropNectarVolume
Definition The total volume in microliters of nectar available to visitors at a given time of a flower longevity.
Examples 5, 10, 8.5
Controlled vocabulary
Darwin Core Class Occurrence
Cardinality One to many
Reference Protocol

OK with this one

I have nothing to add.

I am not the biggest fan of including standing crop in the database.
Standing crop is a nectar measurement in an open flower (therefore that was exposed to floral visitors) at any time.

As I said in #21 , nectar is extremely variable even within a plant individual. Standing crop is a method on which there is no control of any variable and people measure it at any given time. Therefore, standing crop is hardly comparable even between populations of the same species. I see no point for it in a database and for syntheses.

I agree with @pjbergamo, I think that for this first version at least this descriptor can be excluded.

It will be removed