reasonml / reason-tools

Adds Reason to the browser

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Firefox extension link is dead

aleksandersumowski opened this issue · comments

The link in the readme points to 404

Thanks for reminding me! I've just submitted 0.0.17 to the addons site. I ran into an issue with earlier versions where the dual optimizations of jsoo and uglify made it so the code wouldn't run on FF. That appears to be cleared up now. Hopefully it will be up this week.

Updating here since it's been well over a week. Still waiting for review. There was a one day delay on my end for not uploading the right source files and we are currently Queue Position: 480 of 617.

Based on current speed I'm estimating a review will happen in late May :(

seems to be down again :/