realtradam / FelBind

A binding assistant and generator for C to mruby

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


MIT License Ko-Fi

A binding assistant and generator for C(and maybe C++ later?) to mruby [Under heavy WIP]

How I plan for it to work:

  1. Run the scanner which will generate a func.json file. This json file will contain all functions(and their params) as well as all structs(and their params)
  2. Create a configuration file where you can reference specific functions and how you want their bindings to be generated differently
    • for example, under what module or class a function should belong
    • if a certain param should use self instead of passing in something
    • ignore some functions if you dont need them
    • insert bindings you made yourself
  3. Run the generator with the configuration file - this generates the resulting binding code

Opinionated Bindings

The defaults of FelBind make some assumptions on how you would like the resulting interface to look like.

  • Functions get bound to methods using snake_case and kwargs
    • SomeFunction(someValue) => some_function(some_value: thing)
  • Functions are defined under a module(by default Test)
    • Test.some_function
  • Structs are defined as classes under a module(by default Test)
    • Test::MyStruct
  • Struct values are read or written to by using the snake_case version of their respective members
    • my_struct_object.value_example
    • my_struct_object.value_example = 5
  • Functions beginning with Set get bound as a method with =
    • SetSomeFunction(value) => Test.some_function = value
  • Functions beginning with Get get bound as a method without it
    • GetSomeFunction() => some_function

What Currently Works:

  • Wrapping functions that return or have parameters that are of the basic C types(int, float, char *, etc) or their pointers(int *, float *, etc[except char *])
  • Wrapping function that return or have parameters that are structs or their pointers
  • Wrapping structs into objects
  • Giving struct objects initializers and accessers

What Doesn't Work:

  • Binding accessors for structs that contain structs or pointers
  • Cloning struct objects
  • The config system
  • Struct Aliases(might make this manually done in the config system)

What isnt currently planned to make work:

  • Functions that utilize the * void type
  • Nested Pointers
  • Functions with variable arguments


A binding assistant and generator for C to mruby

License:MIT License


Language:Ruby 100.0%