realph / frontenddeveloper

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Front End Developer Coding Exercise

What you should build

Qriously is a question company, so we would like you to build a small question unit.

The unit should provide the following functionality:

  • it should render a question of your choice and 3 answer options
  • it should be 320 x 50 pixels
  • it should contain the meerkat from our logo
  • the options should be clickable / tappable
  • tapping an option should trigger an ajax call submitting the vote as a GET parameter and load the response.json
  • the unit should display the results data provided in the JSON response


Fork this repo and commit your code to the fork.You should produce an html file index.html + all the resources that your unit needs. Opening the index.html file in a browser should show the working unit. We will test this on iOS / Android / Chrome Desktop (webkit only).

Required Techniques

  • use touch events
  • make the question & options configurable via a config object
  • don't pollute the global namespace (except for the config)
  • make it responsive, between 320 and 480 pixels width

Nice to haves

  • size matters, make it as small as possible with as few http requests as possible
  • no jQuery but any other library you see fit (size is key for us)
  • structure your code, use Common Js module syntax
  • use Bower or NPM
  • use Grunt, Gulp or Webpack
  • use LESS / SCSS
  • don't use image files
  • use a templating library, no hardcoded DOM in the index.html
  • make it look nice
  • add animations
  • use es6 features


Our logo SVG

Happy Coding


License:MIT License


Language:HTML 45.6%Language:CSS 29.1%Language:JavaScript 25.3%