realm / realm-kotlin

Kotlin Multiplatform and Android SDK for the Realm Mobile Database: Build Better Apps Faster.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

jvmTarget replaced

Efimj opened this issue · comments


How frequently does the bug occur?



Recently i updated my project to Java 17 and discovered kapt errors. After searching for errors I found this:

private fun updateKotlinOption(target: KotlinTarget) {
        target.compilations.all { compilation ->
            // Setup correct compiler options
            // FIXME AUTO-SETUP Are these to dangerous to apply under the hood?
            when (val options = compilation.kotlinOptions) {
                is KotlinJvmOptions -> {
                    options.jvmTarget = "1.8"

In this plugin:

id("io.realm.kotlin") version "1.9.0" apply false

Stacktrace & log output

FT ~ Opusrornnetarsshop tied A: 2705 202800 730% Execution failed for task ' :app:kaptGenerateStubsDebugKotLin’ .

> Inconsistent JVM-target compatibility detected for tasks ‘compileDebugJavaWithJavac' (17) and ‘kaptGenerateStubsDebugkotLin' (1.8).

* Try:
> Run with --info or =-debug option to get more log output.
> Run with --scan to get full insights.

> Get more help at

Can you reproduce the bug?


Reproduction Steps

  1. use id("io.realm.kotlin") version "1.9.0" apply false
  2. try to change jvmTarget to 17



What Atlas App Services are you using?

Local Database only

Are you using encryption?


Platform OS and version(s)


Build environment

Android Studio version: Koala | 2024.1.1
Android Build Tools version: 8.4.1
Gradle version: 3.2-8.5

➤ PM Bot commented:

Jira ticket: RKOTLIN-1095

This was removed in #1514 and hasn't been part of our releases since 1.12.0. Please try to use a more recent version.


Thanks 💜