realm / realm-kotlin

Kotlin Multiplatform and Android SDK for the Realm Mobile Database: Build Better Apps Faster.

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[realm-core-13.19.0] No built-in scheduler implementation

darrinps opened this issue · comments

How frequently does the bug occur?

Every run


I have a KMP app and I'm trying to use Realm in it.

When the following code is executed, I get the "No built-in scheduler..." error ever so briefly flash across the screen (had to video it to see what was happening).

`val configuration = RealmConfiguration.create(schema = setOf(PelletLot::class))
val realm =

fun saveNewLot(newPellotLot: PelletLot) {

realm.writeBlocking {
    val pellotLot = copyToRealm(newPellotLot)

    Napier.d("PellotLot: " + pellotLot.lotNumber + " saved off.")


Stacktrace & log output

The only output I could see was that the error occurs at scheduler.cpp line 134

Can you reproduce the bug?


Reproduction Steps

Rerun the code.



What Atlas App Services are you using?

Local Database only

Are you using encryption?


Platform OS and version(s)

Kotlin 1.9.22 Android 34 for a Desktop app running on Windows 11

Build environment

Android Studio version: ...2023.2.1
Android Build Tools version: ...35-rc1
Gradle version: ...8.5

➤ PM Bot commented:

Jira ticket: RKOTLIN-1036

@darrinps It has been fixed in 1.11.1

I can still reproduce it.

I changed to version 1.11.1 as can be see here.


Executing the following code still caused the same error. Note that the error wasn't caught in the try/catch. I had to video the execution to see it.

fun saveNewLot(newPellotLot: PelletLot) {
Logger.d("Saving new lot with Key: ${newPellotLot.dateOfInput} lotNumber: ${newPellotLot.lotNumber}")

val configuration = RealmConfiguration.create(schema = setOf(PelletLot::class))
Logger.d("About to open Realm Configuration: $configuration")

try {

    val realm =   //<---- ERROR OCCURS HERE
    Logger.d("Realm opened: : ${realm.toString()}")

    realm.writeBlocking {
        val pellotLot = copyToRealm(newPellotLot)

        //.d("PellotLot: " + pellotLot.lotNumber + " saved off.")


} catch (ex: Exception) {
    Logger.e("Exception caught: " + ex.message)
    Logger.e("Stack trace: " + ex.stackTraceToString())


Here is the error reported.
