realitix / pyvma

Python Wrapper for VulkanMemoryAllocator

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Doesn't install on windows

Berserker66 opened this issue · comments

Due to lack of readme, I assume the installation is via install; however this results in:

E:\pyvma-master>py -3.6 install
error in pyvma setup command: '_cffi_build/': object 'ffi' not found in module

win10, python 3.6.2 64bit

Indeed it works only on linux currently.
When it will be done, I will realize the windows compatibility.

I have fixed the Windows build.
Can you try again ?

To build on Windows, you need to follow exactly these build advices:
pyshader is another module I did and the installation follows the same process.

PS: You don't need cmake for pyvma

Standard build instructions for any C-python module never work for me, something about my setup isn't getting detected properly. I have to use this batch:
(which I used to build cython, numpy and various cython-modules, so I know it works generally)
However, in this case I get this result:

Which is either my setup or a problem with this module, I can't tell you, sorry.

Did you run build before install ? build generates the static library. It looks like you didn't do it.
When you use pip, you usually don't have this problem because pip runs the build command under the hood.

That would do it:

usually build means make the module locally and install means make the module in site-packages.
I've never encountered a module before where you have to build and then install.

Indeed, I overwrite the Build command because I think about build as "build the library". Moreover, pip automatically calls it. If it was just for local, pip wouldn't call the build command.

Currently it's just the cffi wrapper, I have to do the Python part.