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XSS Vulnerability

S1lkys opened this issue · comments


Supplying the following Code on results in JS execution

### XSS PoC
<!-- markdownlint-disable MD038-->
- `<Img src = x onerror = "javascript: window.onerror = alert(document.domain); throw XSS">`

I don't think attacker could use this payload to attack other users.

There's no server-side stored so we don't do the sanitizer, and also we don't do any URL parsing logic to update the DOM, could you leave more info if you have some finding about it?


its not about the payload but that you can execute any JS you want. F.E I could easily create a phishig page via this injection


Just thought to inform you about that. Its not very critical as its self XSS. You may close it if you want to ^^

Did not do any sanitizer since it's an local/non-stored editor (eg. you can run or hot-reload the html preview in editor, would you think it's a XSS?), what your payload and result are really expected to me, see

I could easily create a phishig page via this injection

In this case, you can only phishing yourself I think.