realalien / bbicon2

local Buildbot status system tray monitor for local people -- League of Gentalmen

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

*** Buildbot's Builder Status Monitoring ***
--- inform you if builder has error in building

How to install
* Please download and install jre first:
  (e.g. 'Java SE Runtime Environment 6u14' )
  or run .exe from \\spicyfile\CoolStuff\misc\jre-6u15-windows-i586-s.exe

* Then copy the executable(RemoteMonitor.jar) 
  and the log configuration file( 
  and the builder configuration file(last_monitor_targets.ini)
  to the directory where you want to put.

* Double click the jar to give it a test run.

How To Use:
* Double click the jar to give it a test run.

* Application will try to load  the last_monitor_targets.ini
  at start-up. It's the easiest way to configure
  which builder you want to monitor.
* To add a monitoring thread: 
    Right-click the system tray icon, menu "New Task" -> "BuildBot Build Status Monitor" 
  To remove a monitoring thread:
     Right-click the system tray icon, menu "All Task" -> <the thread to be delete>  -> "Kill me!"
  To pause a monitoring (pause getting a status info):
     Right-click the system tray icon, menu "All Task" -> <the thread to be delete>  -> "Cease fire!"
  To resume a monitoring (pause getting a status info):
     Right-click the system tray icon, menu "All Task" -> <the thread to be delete>  -> "Pick me up!"

* When a new monitoring thread is created, it will restart next time the application runs,
  you can avoid monitoring 
  either by removing record from last_monitor_targets.ini
  or manually right-click the system tray icon, menu "All Task" -> <the thread to be delete>,
     deselect the  "Always monitoring."

* (Deprecate: Only prompt once if a failure occurs. Only icon image will change!)
  If you feel annoying when a failure keeps prompting, you can go to
  pop-up menu(right click the system icon), select 'All Status' menu,
  choose the task you want to stop prompting, click its 
  '"-_-i   Cease fire!"' button, later you can '"^_^   Pick me up!"'.

* You can also configure the file logging by using file
  only if you know how-to.

Known Issue:
* if a status of DOWN is caught, user will be bought to
  the webpage of failed build if one clicks the info bubble.
  But we do not provide the responsible users 
  a) former unsolved error will make the later submitter be
  b) just telling programmer to be cautious if one tries to 
     commit the local change.
* the configuration file will not take effect until the next

For Developers:
* Part of the source code is licensed under its individual copyright 
  information. You can help to add or modify code at
* Only BuildbotStausMonitor class is under maintenance, sibling classes are not,
  but they can be easily modified after the model.  

* The maintainer has no idea or profiling tool to cut short the memory use.
  it may hurt if your machine have little physical memory left. Any help
  will be greatly appreciated!



local Buildbot status system tray monitor for local people -- League of Gentalmen


Language:Java 100.0%