readybytes / ByeByePassword

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byebyepasswordHelper::setPlugin() should not be called statically

4ACC opened this issue · comments



I got this error if users click link in email?

a. Click URL
b. browser displays error for only 2 seconds:
Strict Standards: Non-static method byebyepasswordHelper::setPlugin() should not be called statically, assuming $this from incompatible context in /public_html/joomla/plugins/system/byebyepassword/byebyepassword.php on line 88

c. and it redirects and is correct logged in!

What to do, thanks igo


Thanks for reporting this issue.

Follow these steps to fix it -

  1. Go to file : root/plugins/system/byebyepassword/helper.php
  2. Find code (near line 15) -
    function setPlugin()
  3. Replace it with -
    static function setPlugin()

Let me know if still you face any issue.



solved the problem, Great and fast service

Many, thanks


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