reactrondev / react-native-web-swiper

Swiper-Slider for React-Native and React-Native-Web

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Warning: Failed prop type: DefaultControls: prop type ``

romandomuso opened this issue · comments

I get the following error message:

Warning: Failed prop type: DefaultControls: prop type `` is invalid; it must be a function, usually from the `prop-types` package, but received `undefined`.

when using the Swiper component with the following configuration:

        innerContainerStyle={{backgroundColor: colors.lightBlue,}}
          dotsTouchable: false,
          dotsPos: 'bottom',
          nextPos: false,
          cellsStyle: {
            'bottom': styles.bottom,
          cellsContent: {
            'bottom': (
            <Stack space="medium">

Even when a value is set for, the warning shows up. Is this an error or can an example be provided of the Swiper component with properties set that would not trigger this warning? I don't see anything for it in the existing documents.