reactrondev / react-native-web-swiper

Swiper-Slider for React-Native and React-Native-Web

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in iOS ScrollView inside swiper conflict scroll!

jakil93 opened this issue · comments

in ios scrollview and swiper scroll sametime...
but android is okay.

how to fix that?!

Image of Yaktocat

@jakil93 bounces? Also you can try to set positionFixed Swiper prop

@oxyii still sametime scrolling moving.. 😓

@jakil93 I really don't understand what exactly wrong. Did you wanna to hold swiper while ScrollView is moving?

yes! also, while scrollview moving swiper's gesture must disabled!

while swiper's gesture scrollview's scroll must disabled!

i want exactly that!

@jakil93 You can control it by your-self. Something like this (not tested):

import { useState } from 'react';

export default () => {
  const [swiperGestureEnabled, setSwiperGestureEnabled] = useState(true);

  return (
      onMomentumScrollBegin={() => setSwiperGestureEnabled(false)}
      onMomentumScrollEnd={() => setSwiperGestureEnabled(true)}
      <Swiper gesturesEnabled={swiperGestureEnabled}>
        <View />
        <View />

Thanks bro!
but still while swiper gesture working, also scroll view's scroll wokring..

i try to stop scrollview's scroll using by swiper's onAnimationStart/End.
but so slowly...

Do you have another way?

the issue seems to be stale. please re-open if this is still needed. thanks